Posts by Sue:
Will April Showers #ProtectTransKids ?
Today, I read about a man who is charged with threatening to kill LGBTQ people in response to the mass shooting in Nashville that left six people dead at the hands of a shooter who identified as trans. The shooter also died. The man who allegedly threatened the Human Rights Campaign, Adam Michael Nettina, is […]
Another Update: Crowdfund to Distribute #ProtectTransKids Yard Signs in Brookline and Carnegie
Anyone can make an individual request for a yard sign, stickers, or pens at at no charge. Some communities have organized to distribute directly. We are crowdfunding with them to pay for a box of 50 signs ($580) so we can get them in the ground ASAP. Our ‘urgent care’ vet office is on Brookline Boulevard. […]
The Hate They Give
I’m gonna just leave this racist, homophobic screenshot right here. ~ Sue “Where are all the white supremacist signs ? Just because somebody is republican doesn’t make them a white supremacist. It’s called freedom of speech. I didn’t understand the part of it at the end. What are you trying to ask Black people? Personally, […]
The Easter My Dad Went Fishing Without Us
Easter brings to mind a lot of bullet point memories In 1983, things were bleak financially. I was 12 years old and in 7th grade. So, of course, my Dad decided to join my cousins on a spring fishing trip to the Outer Banks over Easter. They weren’t high end, but it was still money […]
Update on Crowdfund to Plant #ProtectTransKids Yard Signs in Local Communities
Anyone can make an individual request for a yard sign, stickers, or pens at at no charge. Some communities have organized to distribute directly. We are crowdfunding with them to pay for a box of 50 signs ($580) so we can get them in the ground ASAP. Ask your friends in these communities to donate and […]
Update in Murders of Trans Folx in the US
This is the list of trans folx whose violent deaths have been reported and recorded in the US this year, to date. And some updates … Eight reported deaths and surprisingly some updates in all but one case. Four arrests, two persons of interest identified, one independent autopsy identifying law enforcement officers as the the […]
Anonymous Carnegie Resident Attempts to Have #ProtectTransKids Sign Removed From Neighbor’s Yard
Our Trans Day of Visibility effort to get #ProtectTransKids signs into the hands of communities where they are underrepresented is going well. Donate here if you are already convinced. We’ve funded 50 signs for Butler County and they will be heading to Totalus Creamery, a new Boba cafe in Butler. Then we funded 50 signs […]
Make #ProtectTransKids Yard Signs More Visible With This Quick Fundraiser
Our #ProtectTransKids yard sign effort is going strong, nearly 1200 signs strong throughout the region (plus Philly and Baltimore) Something that’s worked well before was crowdfunding for a batch of 50 signs and then working with a local partner to distribute them quickly on the ground. We then ask people who claim the signs to […]
Q&A with Philip Roberts, Candidate for Magisterial District Judge 05-2-31
I am committed to hosting legal educational series from this court. We can have clinics and workshops on landlord tenant law, livable housing conditions, expungements, traffic law, gun law, bail, and other legal subject matter. As we raise legal literacy in our community, we will see less people taken advantage of and less people having […]
Help us Get #ProtectTransKids Yard Signs into Butler County and Beyond
In less than a year, we’ve distributed (planted) 1100 yard signs readings #ProtectTransKids along with thousands of stickers and pens. It is time to drag out the planting/spring/bloom season metaphors and turns of phrases to get more signs into the ground. Reasons? First, the original court case involving the neighbor who vicious rhetoric inspired our […]
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