Posts by Sue:
Hey Bellevue! Ways we can do something constructive for the gay agenda
Today is Saturday, June 27 which makes the campaign kick-off for Tom Michalow who is running for Allegheny County Council in district 1 . Tom has been involved with local politics for 10 years, serving for the past 4 as a borough councilmember for Avalon. His campaign website is here. District Municipality 1 Aleppo 1 Avalon […]
Church tries to exorcize the ga y – who exactly needs to be protected by laws?
This is un-freakin-believable. A church brutalizes a young man (16!) while trying to pray away the gay. Watch this: Read some of the CNN interview. Patricia McKinney, pastor of the nondenominational church who describes herself as a prophet, said she has even been receiving death threats as a result of the video, but doesn't understand […]
KDKA newsdesk won’t even *discuss* Eichelberger b/c it is not local enough?
Are you freaking kidding me, KDKA? Whomever answered your newsdesk phone around 2:30 pm (a male voice) reportedly told a local gay person that the Eichelberger story wasn't going to b considered because it has no local angle. The caller tried to explain and reports that your newsdesk phone answering person YELLED at him. For […]
lesbian slurs
This morning I was driving across the 16th street bridge when a man in a large truck began blowing his horn at me because evidently I wasn't driving fast enough. This is a new level of rudeness I have been experiencing-some people beleive that if you don't move as soon as the light turns […]
Eichelberger’s Garbage
From one of my tweeps …
Exist-gate: Eichelberger’s Public Comment and Potter’s Take
WJAC-TV from Altoona is apparently the first MSM outlet to cover Exist-gate. Eichelberger issued a statement with a non-apology: The Keystone Progress has started an online petition demanding an apology from the senator. So far, 4,000 people have signed the petition. Eichelberger issued this statement to “This group is a politically active group that […]
Google sent a Pat Toomey ad to my site
Clearly, I have no idea what I'm doing with Google Ads so down they come. How on earth does a Pat Toomey campaign ad end up on a lesbian blog? I don't have enough traffic to get into the progressive/liberal ad game, but geez …
Good news: Inclusive ENDA introduced; Doyle to cosponsor
A version of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) has been introduced in the House of Representatives by Barney Frank and 10 cosponsors. Pam's House Blend has the details. One note of even “gooder” news! Representative Mike Doyle's staffer has posted on my Facebook page that the Congressman has requested to join as a cosponsor.
A few tweets – may have figured this out
It is a go on the Allegheny County Human Relations Ordinance vote
Just confirmed with Allegheny County Council staff that the agenda for the July 1, 2009 meeting does include Ordinance 4201-08 which would establish a County Human Relations Commission and extend protections in employment, housing and public accomodation based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. 5 PM July 1, 2009 Allegheny County Bldg on Grant […]