Posts by Sue:
Sally Kern is back!
As I was literally typing my previous post, I learn that Ms. Kern is back with her anti-homosexual rhetoric. Timing, eh?
Exist-gate: Gays are allowed to exist AND have a Facebook Group
How do you measure outrage? Or even mild disgust? I'm reading Exist-gate tweets, blog posts, hits to the blog posts and started a Facebook Group You could also go to Twitter and search for Eichelberger. I don't know how to post a Twitter update. Bob Mayo tried to teach me, but I'm still refining […]
77 Congressional Reps call for suspenion of military discharges under DADT
My god, I cannot keep up with the news. I used to let a lot of national issues pass by, but the Obam Administration's DOJ legal brief comparing same sex marriage to incest … we need to pay closer attention. Pam's House Blend has the story and the full letter. Here are the Pennsylvania elected […]
A Pittsburgh Queer Political Roadmap as of June 2009
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! We got a lot going on that impacts us on local, statewide and national levels. Lots of calls to action. Try not to feel overwhelmed or besieged. Instead, this gives you a lot of opportunities to make an impact, most with a simple series of phone calls. I'm going to try […]
Domestic Violence: the police need to protect and serve survivors
A few years ago, I had the privilege of breaking ground (I think) with the first liveblog of a City Council hearing. That meeting involved the Pittsburgh Police Department's internal domestic violence staff policy. You have to scroll down a bit to see the posts, but here they are. There's an oft repeated mantra that […]
A little update on ENDA – Altmire, Murtha and Carney needs calls today
The ENDA folks are asking Pennsylvanians in the following Congressional districts. Do you have time to make a call today? Jason Altmire (PA), Christopher Carney (PA), John Murtha (PA), “Does the Congressman support a fully inclusive ENDA, which includes sexual orientation AND gender identity and gender expression?” The number for Congress is: 202-224-3121. Not sure […]
HB 300: Attention Brentwood/Mt. Oliver/Southside LGBT residents
Steel City Stonewall cordially invites the residents of PA House District 36 to participate in a face to face meeting with State Representative Harry Readshaw. Rep Readshaw is at the top of the list of targeted legislators whose vote is needed for HB 300. I know you are busy. You work FT. Your children have […]
Remember Sally Kern? Will a statewide Democrat show the moral leadership of Doug Shields?
Remember this from 2008? Sally Kern of Oklahoma on gays. Followed by the response of Pittsburgh City Council President Doug Shields. The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation, okay. It’s just a fact. Not everybody’s lifestyle is equal. Just like not all religions are equal. The very fact that I’m talking to you like this […]
Response to PA Senator Eichelberger’s “allowing [gays] to exist” comment
I'll try to keep this updated because I think it is important that we keep tabs on how this outrageous comment strikes our elected officials, the media and so forth. The debate itself has been heralded in the gay media as a great example of a straight elected official laying out the argument for marriage […]