Posts by Sue:
Q&A with Deb Gross, Candidate for City Council, District 7
One item the kid’s proclamation mentions is the challenge of housing affordability and security in the trans community. While this is a big problem across the city and its communities, there are some housing forms that are more affordable and appealing for youth. Other cities have created programs like host homes, boarding houses with meal […]
Black Trans Teen Tasiyah ‘Siyah’ Woodland, 18, Dies from Gun Violence in Maryland
She was 18 years old, a young Black trans woman. Her name was Tasiyah ‘Siyah’ Woodland and she lived in Lexington Park, Maryland. On Friday, March 24, 2023, she became the most recent reported victim of the campaign of terror targeting the transgender community when St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded a 911 call […]
Auto Draft
Ashford has a little setback. His stool specimen is clear, but he’s refusing to eat wet food and is very whiny. He’s had constant d+. I spoke with vet today – we are holding steady with current treatment and offering him some dry food options. Reassess on Monday. Most likely, he’ll get more rounds of […]
Report from Fort Faulsey
NO KITTENS! Here’s a little update on the state of our colony, dubbed #FortFaulsey. Colony History Fort Faulsey dates back far before human beings built houses on Faulsey Way and nearby streets. Our little section of Manchester on Pittsburgh’s Northside is close enough to the river and secluded enough by the giant brick sound barrier […]
What We Know About the Resistance to University of Pittsburgh’s Anti-Trans Events
Reverse blog post structure. I am going to dive a little into why I think Pitt’s history makes their position on anti-trans speakers quite plausible. But first, let me simply start with listing the resistance efforts as I learn about them. Send me your events. Here’s the petition to sign. Here’s a little paper sign […]
It is #Caturday – We Built Him Up and Now He’s Solid
Today is #Caturday, a weekly day to celebrate and honor cats in our lives. I am fortunate enough to work with a slew of cat folx who have pet cats, community cats, foster cats, and more. I work with the #PghCatFolx projects to address gaps and needs. We aren’t a rescue or foster. We do […]
CUNY Center for Community Media Lacks Regard for Socioeconomic Status, Disability When Planning Bias Events
Recently, The City University of New York Center for Community Media invited me to speak at a summit on hate crimes & media, covering my expenses & a $200 stipend. I booked train, planning on using the stipend to cover my wife’s ticket. I told them I would be doing this. I followed up to […]
Q&A with Alexandra Hunt, Candidate for Philadelphia City Controller
It’s imperative that we pay attention to local races, even if they aren’t our own – that’s how Republicans have trampled on our rights, and that’s how we have to fight back to protect our lives. We need progressive electeds who protect working people up and down the ballot. Our next post of our 2023 […]
Pittsburgh Trans Girl Discusses the Murder of Brianna Ghey in England as Part of ‘Violence toward trans teens that is unseen’
When we connect on social media, it helps us as trans people become stronger, because we will have each other’s backs. Social media helps us speak to others like us and communicate who we are as trans individuals. Brianna Ghey. a 16-year-old British transgender girl from Birchwood in Warrington, Cheshire, England, died from fatal stab wounds in Culcheth Linear Park […]
Arrest in 2020 Murder of Black Trans Person Brian Egypt Powers in Akron
Akron, Ohio police have made an arrest in the June 2020 murder of a Black trans person, Brian ‘Egypt’ Powers. Brian was 43 years old when his body was discovered lifeless near a church in his hometown of Akron. He died from a single bullet that pierced both of his thighs. Investigators believed he walked […]