Posts by Sue:
The Dallas Principles
From Pam's House Blend comes interesting news of what could be a momentous turning point in the struggle for equality. This document is referred to as the Dallas Principles (drafted in Dallas this past weekend). Here's some of the language: PRINCIPLES The following eight guiding principles underlie our call to action. In order to achieve […]
Tales from a lesbian friday night
How utterly relaxing was today. Breakfast at the Square Cafe — we haven't been there since Thanksgiving! Wow. The decor has changed a bit, but the food remains awesome as does the service. I'm happy to report that I resisted bacon, even when Ledcat ordered it. I gritted my teeth and ate fruit plus the […]
Tales from a lesbian friday night
How utterly relaxing was today. Breakfast at the Square Cafe — we haven't been there since Thanksgiving! Wow. The decor has changed a bit, but the food remains awesome as does the service. I'm happy to report that I resisted bacon, even when Ledcat ordered it. I gritted my teeth and ate fruit plus the […]
Sneak peak
All is not as it seems with the City's Domestic Registry. Stay tuned. Congrats to the victors in the election. I look forward to seeing Daniel Lavelle and Theresa Smith at Pridefest. I'm sure Natalia will be there. Marriage amendment is drawing some of the old “Alabama in the middle” analysis of Pennsylvania. Of the […]
Its baaaaack: Pennsylvania “Marriage Amendment” pokes its head up from the ground
From the Post-Gazette comes word that a Blair County State Senator, John Eichelberger, plans to hold a press conference Tuesday afternoon to announce the introduction of legislation which would amend the Pennsylvania constitution to protect heterosexual marriage from the gay agenda. The bill needs to be approved in two successive legislative sessions and then put […]
Letter to the editor: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Robert Perloff of Shadyside believes in Barack Obama as the “Do Ask, Do Tell” President: President Barack Obama differs with the “don't ask, don't tell” homosexual policy of earlier presidencies. He seeks to remove homosexuality as a forbidden species and to respect and pay tribute to gays and lesbians who wish to serve in the […]
Veggie Chronicles: Day 1
So, yesterday was my first meat free day leading up to the CHS Vegetarian Dinner on Tuesday, June 16, 2009. Since it was Saturday, it was pretty easy. I often stop for a bite at Hoi Polloi which is a vegetarian restaurant so there wasn't much temptation. We also went to Azul last night which […]
Indigo Girls Update: Win a pair of FREE tickets to the show and meet and greet!
Only 20 tickets left! The Lambda Foundation appreciates the community’s interest in the meet and greet with the Indigo Girls. To clarify, Lambda has agreed to purchase 75 tickets @ $42 and they will receive the $35 meet and greet for the Foundation. The monies raised will be used to continue the good work Lambda […]
Some Pride Tidbits
Dykes on Bikes of Western PA are gearing up for their first Pride appearance this year. June 6th is our scheduled Pre-Pride Bike Ride to get everyone geared up for the Pride Parade and Pride Festivities. This ride will head east from the South Hills. All supporters of the GLBT community is invited to attend. The […]
Pittsburgh’s 40 Under 40 Nominations Due in June
I was named one of Pittsburgh's 40 under 40 in 2004 (I was 34). At the time, I thought it was something cool, but not earthshattering. Looking back now, I can see how mistaken I was. I've made a lot of contacts and had doors opened for me because of this little award. For several […]