Posts by Sue:
Outing: a new movie and a talk show host threatening a guest
You may have heard about the new movie OUTrage which explores the controversial practice of outing LGBT elected officials and staffers who want to have their cake and eat it, too. In other words, they work diligently to oppose full equality in their legislative guise, but still live the gay life — be it enjoying […]
Lambda Foundation to host meet and greet with Indigo Girls during Pride Month
Sunday, June 21, 2009 the Indigo Girls are back in Pittsburgh and the Lambda Foundation has just announced an exclusive “meet and greet” backstage with Emily and Amy. Tickets for the meet and greet are $35.00 and will include the opportunity to have a photo of your family taken by a professional photographer. Tickets for […]
Mayor supports unendorsed candidate; will he embrace groups that did not endorse him?
Mayor Ravenstahl is getting some heat for supporting Anthony Coghill in the District 4 City Council race. Coghill did not receive the endorsement of the Allegheny County Democratic Committee. Huh. I've heard rumblings that the Mayor is “disappointed” he did not receive the endorsement of the Steel City Stonewall Democrats. Other rumblings suggest that there […]
Mayor supports unendorsed candidate; will he embrace groups that did not endorse him?
Mayor Ravenstahl is getting some heat for supporting Anthony Coghill in the District 4 City Council race. Coghill did not receive the endorsement of the Allegheny County Democratic Committee. Huh. I've heard rumblings that the Mayor is “disappointed” he did not receive the endorsement of the Steel City Stonewall Democrats. Other rumblings suggest that there […]
Grove City suspends student porn star; no word on action against porn consumers
Grove City suspended 21 year old John Gechter for his gay porn career which he used to finance his college education. Gechter was due to graduate this year and begin graduate school in the fall. Gechter is appealing the decision, claiming that his work in the porn industry under an alias is not the school's concern. […]
Celebrate Life, Celebrate Art auction set for Monday
[This post will remain at the top of the blog until the event ends.] One of the highlights of the year is the annual Celebrate Life, Celebrate Art auction to benefit Persad Center. Formerly known as Art for AIDS, this event is a masterful reminder of the continued urgency of this and other issues addressed […]
City Paper covers a few gay topics; my own letter to the editor
The City Paper has a nice, in-depth profile of Court of Common Please candidate Hugh McGough. Hugh is the first openly gay man to run a judicial race, but the article proposes a myriad of other reasons to support him based on experience and qualifications. Marty Levine, who is not one for gushing, describes him […]
LGBTQ Prom and More
GLSEN's Pittsburgh chapter is holding another LGBTQ safe prom. Unified, Safe Prom For All May 24, 2009Sunday7:00 PM – 11:00 PMBest Western – Parkway Center Mall GLSEN Pittsburgh is proud to present Unified, Safe Prom For All. Tickets ($25.00) can be purchased by check or money order made payable to “GLSEN Pittsburgh.” Please include name(s) […]
Judges, Judges, Judges
The Post-Gazette endorsed four candidates we've discussed before. Joe Williams, Hugh McGough, Arnie Klein and Don Walko have all sought the Steel City Stonewall endorsement. Again, this is not the sole factor in a vote for the Court of Common Pleas, but it is something I think worth noting. Hugh's team has been especially adept at using social networking in his campaign. […]
PG Travel Writer: “Not a gay thing” WHAT?
Oh, Katy Buchanan of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette travel section has me all a twitter this morning. In one of her pieces about traveling in India, she hits some pretty uggghhh moments (KFC tastes the same, TMI about her experience with eating fruit, “beggars,” etc). This is the best: Indian men and boys hold hands, or […]