Posts by Sue:
City Council District 6 from the queer perspective
I read the Post-Gazette's endorsement of Robert Daniel Lavelle this morning with some skepticism. I've lived on the Northside for almost 4 years. Tonya Payne is the only elected official representing Manchester who has showed up IN MANCHESTER. Not only that, she actually organizes meetings specific to our neighborhood. I've never seen Robert Daniel Lavelle […]
North Carolina Republican Claims Matthew Shepard Hate Crime a “Hoax”
See there's no need for Hate Crimes legislation. It doesn't matter that the murderers said they pretended to be gay and admitted Matthew's sexual orientation was their motive. It doesn't matter that he was beaten and strung out on a fence for 18 hours. Virginia Foxx says the hate crime aspect ain't so because it […]
Specter’s Switch
There's so much LGBTQ analysis of this news that my head is spinning. People are celebrating, people are leery, people don't know what's going to happen. Specter switched parties. If Al Franken is seated, it gives the Democrats a filibuster proof majority (60). Good stuff can happen. Good stuff for LGBTQ persons might happen. Specter […]
White House Statement on Hate Crimes Bill
What is the Hate Crimes Resolution? Click here for a summary. From Equal Rights Washington ( h/t Pam's House Blend) comes this explanation The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (H.R. 1913) expands the coverage of existing hate crime laws to include not only victims of crime based on race, color, religion, and national […]
Onorato Supports County Anti-Discrimination Ordinance
This just in …. From: Dardanell, Megan [] Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 3:57 PMTo: Sue KerrCc: ExecutiveSubject: On behalf of Dan Onorato – Ordinance 4201-08 April 27, 2009 Ms. Kerr: Thank you for contacting our office. County Executive asked that I respond on his behalf. I sincerely apologize for my delayed […]
HB 300: Here’s how you can help
Received an update from the folks at Steel City Stonewall with information on where your energy can be most helpful with regard to passing HB 300 through the State House. What they really need are people in the highlighted districts to set up actual meetings with your legislators to essentially put a human face on […]
Persad kicks off American Shorts Reading Series
Here's a little snippet of pre-Pride news. WYEP-FM (91.3) and Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures are joining forces with American Shorts @ WYEP. The American Shorts Reading Series is Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures' annual summer series. It features readings, independent films and performances by local musicians. This year, the programming will be presented at the WYEP […]
Lesbian Health and Mini-Spa Night was a nice event
Last night, Laura and I trunbled up to Mt. Washington to attend the 1st Lesbian Health and Spa Night, sponsored by the GLCC and Adagio Health and funded by the Birmingham Foundation and the Lambda Foundation. The event consisted of a health area with screenings, breast exams and vouchers for mammograms. I overheard one woman […]
The Mayor’s Response
I received the following response from the Mayor's Deputy Chief of Staff. From: Baginski, Kristen [] Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 9:45 AMTo: sue@sitnscoop.comSubject: We are contacting those who expressed interest in the Committee and when we have received confirmation from them with regards to their participation the names will be released. —–Original Message—–From: […]
A request for Luke Ravenstahl
As I've reported, the Mayor's office ignores me or pats me on my head and sends me on my way. Kristen Baginski and Joanna Doven won't return my calls or respond to my email messages about the LGBT Advisory Council. I haven't tried Yarone because I'm not a campaign contributor or a City contractor. I'm […]