Posts by Sue:
Help Kitten ‘Ashford’ Recover From Unplanned Surgery #Caturday
Watch foster mama try to wrangle five month kitten into his cone of shame. Three days ago, a small little guy showed up on a neighbor’s porch. No ear tip, no collar, super friendly. Unneutered male, probably 3-4 months old. Neighbors brought to us to get scanned. While checking him out, we found an abscess […]
Q&A with Khari Mosley, Candidate for City Council, District 9
The way to forge the reconnection will be bold regional planning and investing in a 21st-century transportation system that rethinks how to connect neighborhoods, commercial hubs, and regional destinations. A connected city would include a reimagined bus system, bike trails, safe sidewalks, and a feasibility study of light rail expansion. Our next post of our […]
Swissvale Borough Adopts Nondiscrimination Protections, Creates Human Relations Commission
I just learned that the Borough of Swissvale passed a comprehensive human relations act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity on January 4, 2023. Ordinance #23-01 to add a Chapter to the Code of Ordinances to provide for the creation of the Swissvale Human Relations Commission and […]
Q&A with Dan Grzybek, Candidate for Allegheny County Council, District 5
Much of the zoning in the South Hills is extremely exclusionary such that multi-family units cannot be built in wide swaths of communities like Bethel Park and Upper St. Clair. We have a fantastic resource in the T, but it can’t be fully utilized because high density housing can’t be built near most of the stops. […]
Q&A with Todd Hoffman, Candidate for Mt. Lebanon School Board
I firmly believe in the importance of nurturing the whole child, not just their academic achievements. With my experience in educational leadership, I understand that a student’s success is not just measured by test scores, but by their social-emotional well-being, physical health, and personal growth. I will work to ensure that our schools prioritize a […]
Q&A with Nerissa Galt, Candidate for PENNCREST School Board in Crawford County
[T]he board has passed several policies in an attempt to target LGBTQIA students. Anti-LGBTQIA bullying has increased. That being said, I believe the biggest priority is to ensure that all students feel welcome in their respective schools and the first order of business to ensure that this comes to fruition is to repeal those policies […]
Q&A with Barb Warwick, Candidate for City Council, District 5
If we really want to serve our residents AND attract new ones, we need to fix the fact that most people can’t go 1.5 miles in Pittsburgh without getting in their car. So, what’s the answer? More buses, more bus drivers, more routes, better bus stops, and dedicated bus lanes. No fancy technology required (although […]
Q&A with Valerie Fleisher, Candidate for Mt. Lebanon School Board
At the same times, kids in school would make fun of him using homophobic slurs or exaggerating how he spoke, and while I didn’t join in I was not yet confident enough to speak out – that experience was one among several that helped me to learn that as uncomfortable as it might feel to […]
Q&A with Kate Lovelace, Candidate for Magisterial District Judge 05-2-31
When I see data about percentages of people with mental health conditions in the jail, I always shake my head because if you didn’t have a mental health condition on the way in, you will on the way out. Allegheny County Jail is not a safe place for our community and if Magistrates aren’t watching […]
Cat and Critter Pics From Fort Faulsey
Sweet cat photos sleeping, eating, and looking askance at me. Donations are quite welcome to feed and accommodate the community and foster cats. We really need a new heated water dish, three feeding stations, two deck/patio boxes, and dry cat food. Our #PghCatFolx need litter, dry & wet food, and clean towels.