Posts by Sue:
The Christian Gene?
Speaking of LGBTQ Advocacy
Today, I had the pleasure of addressing a class of MSW students at the University of Pittsburgh. The class focuses on policy and I used my work in the LGBTQ community to illustrate how advocacy can drive real social change. It was an interesting experience. Another speaker works for local government and a third is […]
All My Children Lesbian Wedding
Rock the Dome: Pennsylvania Equality Rally — Save the Date!
The topic is LGBT equality. The date is March 17, 2009. Buses will depart Pittsburgh around 7:30 AM and return by 8:00 PM. Stay tuned for more details, but so far you've got a mini-advocacy training, free lunch, rally and a chance to meet with your state elected officials. Take a day off, bring the […]
Our O. Henry Valentine’s Day
Maybe it is a stretch, but when we exchanged valentine's gifts we discovered that our mutual fondness for K.S. Kennedy Floral had led to an awesome moment …. Ledcat bought me flowers and I bought her fancy vase filled with candy. She didn't cut off her hair and I didn't sell my watch or die […]
Jennie McNulty at Club Cafe
Last night, Ledcat and I popped over to Club Cafe to catch the comedy stylings of Jennie McNulty, an openly lesbian comedian. Her promoter contacted me a few weeks ago asking me to list the show which is the first time I heard about her. (No cable = no Logo = poor lesbian pop culture […]
Consolidate? Save the Date! And Don’t Shop at Blumengarten Flowers!
Governor Rendell wants to consolidate PA's school districts from 500 to 100. Now that's ambitious. After last year's despicable behavior on the part of East Allegheny and West Mifflin residents when it came to absorbing the displaced students from the Duquesne High School, this could become a nasty mess real darn quickly. Today's PG editors […]
Onorato Hosts 2nd Town Hall Meeting; Lesbian Waits for Answer From First Meeting
Remember back when Dan Onorato got up early on morning to hold a pretend town hall meeting with questions submitted in advance by County residents? I sent one in and it went unanswered. On January 15, 2009, Megan Dardanell responded assuring me that I would get an answer in “the coming days.” Let's see … […]
Lesbian Superheros
Mombian publishes the 2009 Rainbow list of books for children and young adults. Abe Lincoln and marriage. But it's not because of Lincoln's sexual orientation or other “stuff” that February 12, Lincoln's birthday, has for 12 years now been the centerpiece of National Freedom to Marry Week. Lincoln's strongest connection to the freedom to marry […]
More on the County Ordinance
Adam has the story on the Government Committtee hearing on the local ordinance. There's not much to report, but check out his link to the official minutes. The important thing is that you continue to follow this and make calls. And read Adam's blog. The self-disclosure on the marriage “issue” is very heartfelt and definitely […]