Posts by Sue:
The Rally is Saturday!
Weather for Saturday
Saturday 10 Snow Shower High33°FLow21°F Precip: 40% Wind: SWat 13 mph UV Index: 1 Low Humidity: 61% Sunrise: 7:42 AM Sunset: 5:13 PM close details Snow showers. Highs in the low 30s and lows in the low 20s.
It has been a tumultuous week here at Lesbian Central. Backstage drama, frontpage drama, workplace drama and I think I burned the back of my throat swallowing thai tea to be polite while waiting for my takeout. The ordinance is losing steam, my friends. We lost another co-sponsor, Bob Macy from my hometown area of […]
Above the Fold: Prominent Pittsburgh Gay Owned Business Questioned by PG Investigators
UPDATE: I'm deleting comments. If you have an opinion, fine. If you can prove wrongdoing, contact the MSM or email me privately. Otherwise, stick with opinions not unsubstantiated accusations. If you see something that needs deleted, email or call me — I'm trying to keep up with it. ********************************************************************************************************************* Even though I had a call […]
Yes, There’s More on the Big Queer Rally
Can you believe that “Big Queer Rally” wasn't an overwhelming hit as the official title for Saturday's rally? I think it is pretty catchy myself. It certainly has been drawing in the visitors using various fundie, wingnut search tems. Anyway, we had a meeting tonight. Here's the latest scoop. City Council President Doug Shields is […]
Stop the Presses: Ms. Mon to keep blogging and permit comments
Things will continue to be the same in the Burgosphere. Click here for more.
Even More Big Queer Rally Updates! and Al Franken!
Allegheny County Councilwoman Amanda Green will be attending the Big Queer Rally on Saturday to address the crowd about her proposed ordinance to extend civil protections in housing, employment and public accomodations to LGBTQ residents of Allegheny County. Good news. That makes the County (Green), City (Kraus) and the State (Wagner) heard from. Hopefully, our […]
The Latest Updates on the Big Queer Rally, the Hearing and other stuff
Big Queer Rally — 6 days away. Are you ready? Got your signs? Pulled out your long johns in case it is chilly? Got your chant ready to go? Latest updates: Unfortunately, Lynn Cullen cannot attend but she sends her best wishes. On a bright note, State Representative Chelsa Wagner (and newlywed spouse of longtime […]
Burghosphere no longer on the “Cutting Edge” ?
My name is Sue Kerr and I plan to keep on blogging. I know, I know. This comes as a great shock and will undoubtably send tidal waves plowing through the Burghosphere. Epic poems will be composed by the likes of Tony Norman, Sally Kalson and Mike Seate. Mighty political entities will tremble in their […]
Another Update on Big Queer Rally: Kraus to Speak
Just received confirmation that City Councilman Bruce Kraus, Pittsburgh's first openly gay elected official, will be speaking at the rally on January 10 and addressing County Council on January 15. I also see the email notices starting to spiral out and about. I hope you have those dates circled on your calendar. We need you! […]