Posts by Sue:
Luke forms LGBT Advisory Council with input from Leadership Pittsburgh
We've learned that Mayor Luke Ravenstahl is working with Leadership Pittsburgh to form a permanent LGBT Advisory Council, comprised of 8-10 individuals. The Mayor is currently working with more than 35 leaders in the LGBT community to solicit recommendations for the Council. He and his staff will review the recommendations and determine whom will participate. […]
California Supreme Court Agrees to hear Challenge on Prop 8
Pam's House Blend has all the details. The California Supreme Court agreed today to review legal challenges to Prop. 8, the voter initiative that restored a ban on same-sex marriage, but refused to permit gay weddings to resume pending a ruling. Meeting in closed session, the state high court asked litigants on both sides for […]
Anti 8 Rally Generates New Pittsburgh LGBT Blog
What's Comes After 8, Pittsburgh? popped onto the local blog scene recently. California transplant and newly married Christopher Hixson (also a scientist) started blogging: I'm a newlywed (after a government imposed 11 year engagement). Shaken from my cushy life by the tragedy of California Proposition 8's passage, I started a blog to try and do my part to […]
Letter to the Editor
It always brightens my day to read a letter in the Post-Gazette section focusing on the civil rights of the gay community. Here's one example from Tuesday. Creating inequality Electing Barack Obama to be our president is a step toward eliminating racism; for this I am joyous and grateful. But sadly, eliminating racism does not […]
Another Update on Cinemark – Now Its “Sexual Orientation”
Another contact from a Pittsburgh Cinemark Theater (Pittsburgh Mills). Note this one uses the term “sexual orientation” in lieu of yesterday's “sexual preference” usage by the corporate office. Do you think it is a local sensibility or just a lesson well learned? They formally state that they include sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policies. I […]
Blogger Summit
Hey. I was just notified that this little correspondent has been selected to participate in the LGBT Blogger and Citizens Journalist Initiative in DC. I applied in October, but since they planned to pick 35 folks, figured it was not gonna happen. Hurrah, I was wrong! Here's an article in the Washington Blade about the […]
Cinemark Responds on CEO Donation on Prop 8
I recevied this from Cinemark corporate: Dear Sue, We received your correspondence regarding your concerns about theProposition 8 vote in California. Please know that Cinemark made nofinancial contribution to either side on this issue. The company doesnot take a formal position on political issues that do not directlyaffect our business. It would be inappropriate to […]
Keep up the momentum: Boycott Prop 8 Supporter right here in Pittsburgh
There's been a lot of chatter about pushing back against those who financially supported the Yes on Proposition 8 initiative to show that the LGBTQ community will not have our rights ripped away and then blindly spend our $$ to fill the coffers of those who did the ripping. LGBT organizers have been posting lists […]
Sunday Stuff
The PG runs an interesting piece from the Washington Post on the taboo of homosexuality in India. Apparently, in spite of the slight liberalizing impact of the new economy, the fact that being gay is illegal causes for a thriving subculture in blackmail. Nice. The editors ran one photo with a three sentence caption to describe […]