Posts by Sue:
Yesterday I posted about my bout of hypomania. I don’t want anyone to worry so I’m checking in. First, I have a good treatment team and supportive wife. I’m safe, I’m not struggling alone or to get basic needs met. I am, however, struggling and feeling like crap. My mind is full of thoughts I […]
Hypomania is Here
I didn’t know ‘dread’ is a clinical symptom. The difference between anxiety and dread is that anxiety is an unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event while dread is great fear in view of impending evil; fearful apprehension of danger; anticipatory terror. So my spin through last week took me down a dark path […]
My First Scottish Subscription ‘WeeBox’ Arrived
My first Wee Box, a Scottish cultural themed subscription service, arrived in January. When I received notice my next box is en route, I realized that I had not blogged about it! I learned about WeeBox through the podcast Stories of Scotland. A WeeBox contains five gifts worth more than the cost of the box, often exclusive […]
The Groundhog Gate Continues in Pittsburgh Thanks to Animal Care & Control
100+ LGBTQ Organizations and Leaders Call on New York Times to do Better by Transgender Community
Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents and Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities both signed this letter. You can, too. Last night, my mother-in-law told my wife that girls dressed as cats requested litter boxes in their classroom. She’s a progressive person so were both appalled. My wife stopped her cold and explained how that myth is a lie and […]
An (un)Happy Valentines Day Thanks to City of Pittsburgh Animal Care & Control Dept
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with peas, melon, and trapping groundhogs to save them from the callous disregard of Animal Care & Control, part of the Pittsburgh Public Safety Department. Callous disregard for the animals, yes. But more importantly, callous disregard for the elderly homeowner who is terrified of animals in her basement. We’ve been negotiating this […]
Ohio Based Huntington Billboards ‘Caters To Bigotry’ By Pulling Affirming Messages
Content Note: Images with racist language are in this post. Images with Nazi symbols are in this post. Remember the electronic billboards with hateful rhetoric located in Worthington, Armstrong County owned by John Placek? Here are some reminders Two updates One is that Placek teamed up with Owen Osterling to erect additional signs along Route […]
Q&A With Lita Brillman, Candidate for City Council District 5
This is how I have come to describe my campaign: Community-focused, data-driven. This is the next post of our 2023 primary election season series ‘Political Q&A’ with progressive candidates throughout Pennsylvania. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for any level of office. Please note that these are not necessarily endorsements, more of an opportunity […]
A Very Special Message from Sue
I emailed this appeal to our blog subscribers. First time I’ve done that, but our blog coffers need some help. I’m pretty exhausted just thinking about all of the work to do. So I thought it was worth a try. Over 30 people unsubscribed. This is not free content. It comes with a price and […]
“Shame On You (Insert Lesbian Slur)” For Calling Out Local Labor Leader Over Affordable Housing
I spent Saturday afternoon tabling for #ProtectTransKids projects at a local arts event. This meant I repeatedly described the anti-trans abusive behavior of the neighbor who targeted the young Black trans teen at the heart of the project. People shared their own stories – their personal experiences, their family members, grandkids, nieces. In the midst, […]