Posts by Sue:
Various Updates
Here's a good site for an update on Prop 8, the California amendment that would make gay marriage illegal. Pam's House Blend has an interesting post about Barack Obama's Caucasian family. From PageOneQ: And, finally, this from the Bay Area Reporter's Political IQ column: I'm not joking when I say we need […]
Electile Dysfunction: Wagner and Peduto?
Due to my radiator malfunction in Uptown during the afternoon, I was unable to attend the Electile Dysfunction event last night. Missing Lynn Cullen was a definite downer. Spending hundreds for the repair is another. Sigh. I keep repeating that I got luck enough to be able to pull into a parking space before the […]
LGBTQ positive letter to the editor
This ran in Thursday's PG. Kudso to Lee Marcuzzi of Shaler for noting a LGBTQ positive story. What a wonderful article. (“Taking center stage,” Oct. 23.) It is so refreshing to see an article about drag queens and kings that is not biased and discusses the true talent and work that these performances require. As […]
Here’s One Way to Keep Warm …
Another local queer blog
h/t to local writer Jane Muder for pointing out another local queer blog …. written by OUT publisher Tony Molnar-Strejcek. It is more of a personal blog than a newsy blog, but it is good to have another perspective on life in queer Pittsburgh out there. I had suggested to Jane that it would be […]
Young Lesbian Aspires to Help Community
This little item in the Valley Independent caught my eye. Abigail Begandy doesn't mind marching to the beat of her own drum. Begandy, 16, a junior at Ringgold High School, recently was sworn in as a junior firefighter for the Monongahela Fire Department. She was sworn in Oct. 7 and became the department's third female […]
Am I naive about the Wagner/Peduto pairing?
This came across my desk about 14 times last week: Invitation Please join Councilman Bill Peduto &State Representative Chelsa Wagner for “The Life of the Party”Halloween Party feat. live music by The Old E AllstarsDJ Omar Abdul Friday, October 31 from 8 to 11 PM The Grand Hall at The Priory614 Pressley Street, Northside Cost […]
Win Free Tickets to Catie Curtis!
The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society is giving away a pair of free tickets for her November show and a CD to one lucky reader. Check it out! The contest is not open to members of The Society, sorry!
Layout Changes
Check out our right hand column for some updates and changes. – The LGBT for Obama Button – Buttons to oppose the anti-gay marriage amendments in Arizona and California – Mini flyer to the upcoming Political Pundits show hosted by Gab Bonesso and featuring what is like my dream table for a dinner party — […]