Posts by Sue:
Farewell Party for Lynn Cullen
Just got word that friends and advertisers and listeners alike are gathering at the WPTT studio this coming Friday at 11:45 AM to give Lynn Cullen a fitting farewell. Everyone is invited to attend, but please email me to let me know if you plan to show up so they can plan for numbers — […]
An Open Invitation from the Reverend Janet Edwards
August 20, 2008 Dear Friends and Friends of Friends, I am Janet Edwards, a Presbyterian minister in Pittsburgh, PA. I greet you withthe joy that springs from Jesus' gospel of love! On June 25, 2005, I was blessed beyond measure to preside at theSpirit-filled wedding of Nancy McConn and Brenda Cole. Following the usualpractice, Brenda and […]
Duquesne Univeristy Extends Protections to Sexual Orientation
According to the City Paper, Duquesne now includes sexual orientation among the classes against whom one may not discriminate. Previously, the school permitted the establishment of a campus Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA). News of the non-discrimination language change was news to the GSA. So much for the School of Communication. Anyway, now the GSA is lobbying […]
More on Andre Thomas from the PG
Jerome Sherman must have read my blog yesterday because his background piece on Andre Thomas is featured in this morning's Post-Gazette. Or perhaps I am prescient. I am dissatisfied. The article lays out Mr. Thomas' woes and troubles fairly objectively along with his efforts to turn things around. But anyone who thinks that attending church a […]
A Decidedly Unpopular Question About the Tasering of Andre Thomas
I know everyone hates the police for using tasers and anyone who challenges that position is considered a insensitive clod for supporting a police state that brutalizes unarmed citizens. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Today's PG features a tidbit about the deceased Mr. Thomas who died after being tased by Swissvale police. Battles ensue over cause of […]
Here’s What I Just Want to Just Ask Cat: An Open Letter
Dear Cat, I'm a 37 year old lesbian living and working in the City. Two years ago, I looked out my back window and caught a truck from a local company dumping excess cement into the lot behind my house. I did all the responsible things — calling both 911 and the property owner. Sadly, I […]
Sassy Marie’s, The Tribune Review, and Smash … the Lesbians Sum It Up
Wow … lots to share. First, we had one of the most delish meals in a long time this weekend at Sassy Marie's on the Northside. Seriously. The Cajun pasta I had was super reminiscent of my years in Louisiana. They made the most delicious version of kettle chips with blue cheese and scallions. And […]
Neville Aggregate is dumping in Manchester
Here you find today's crop of photos from the truck dumping in the lot on Faulsey Way. ** Mistake: the truck is clearly marked NAC, not MAC as I originally reported. I called and the company is called Neville Aggregate. **