Posts by Sue:
Gay Marriage Round Up
Wow, lots to catch up on … Monday, May 5, 2008 is the Rally in Harrisburg. Rally? The Rally Against the “Protection of Marriage” Amendment. Ledcat and I had hoped to attend, but fate (and work) conspired against us. Are you planning to attend? I'm hoping for an eyewitness account. Last week, there was a “highly […]
Oh, those lesbitarians …
Always taking over with their wholegrain, crunchy goodness and all those eggplants! Actually, I'm really starting to dig vegetarian food when it is cooked by Jessica at Hoi Polloi. Or Ledcat. Or anyone but me. But still … does everything have to be vegetarian? What next — recycling bins at Wendys? I regret to say […]
Letters to the Editor
Three letters in today's Post-Gazette, two for gay rights and one for gay oppression. Still no letters in the Tribune-Review. Proud papa Edward Walkowski of Brookline simply wants his lesbian daughter and her partner to have equal rights. Edward recognizes the true political agenda of the Amendment supporters: The political leaders pushing this amendment are […]
Bruce Kraus: Excerpts from his testimony
The Post-Gazette published City Councilman Bruce Kraus' recent testimony on SB 1250 which would embed a definition of marriage into the PA Constitution. All I can tell you is that this is a really great read. Here is my favorite excerpt: With all the challenges that we, as a commonwealth, are facing — deteriorating infrastructure; […]
Richard Simmons is a girly man
Does the “Richard Simmons isn't a real man/is a girly she man” slur ever go out of style? Peter McKay is syndicated so I guess not. Here he is describing the fancy office he built in his backyard (is this really supposed to resonate with the average Pittsburgh resident) which his wife decorated and he […]
The evolution of gay-exclusive spaces: are gay bars on the demise?
I found this article at American Public Media … actually, the teaser ended up in my inbox. The premise seems to be an exploration of a recent claim by Forbes Magazine that gay bars are among the top ten businesses facing extinction, along with crop dusting and record stores. Ouch. APM took a look and […]
Other Gay Stuff You Might Want to Know
I was very depressed after picking up this week's City Paper. The feature article on recycling was the slap in the face you really need even though it hurts like a bitch. Bill Driscoll confirms my deep seeded fear that the majority of my do-gooder efforts are essentially pointless because I take the easy way […]
Additions to the Delta Foundation Board
Pittsburgh's Delta Foundation recently announced the addition of two new board members. Cindy Daro was elected by the Foundation membership. Keri Harmicar was appointed by the existing board members. Both were gracious enough to respond to a few questions about their new roles in our community. 1. What role do you see the Delta Foundation […]
Obituary – Randy Forrester
With hopes of forgiveness from the Post-Gazette, this should be read by all. Randal G. “Randy” Forrester was 16 when he came out as a gay man to his parents, and likewise was open about his sexuality with his friends and classmates. That was in 1963, when society's attitudes about homosexuality were in the Stone […]
The GLCC wants your sex toys
Seriously. The GLCC is exploring a new program to provide safer sex educational tools and resources. This arose from a recent presentation to a class of medical students where it became apparent that the students were not familiar with certain sex toys, suggesting that they would not be in a position to educate their patients. […]