Posts by Sue:
Prove the AFA of PA right!
Diane Gramley might be a bit worried about how awesome you guys have been about calling your State Senators to oppose the so-called protection of marriage amendment. Here's what she shared with me today: Senator Michael Brubaker is looking for co-sponsors of SB 1250, the Marriage Protection Amendment bill. Click here for a news release […]
The PA Gay Marriage Amendment: Be Vigilant
In today's Tribune Review, I found ample evidence of the need for our entire community and our allies to remain vigilant. It is a simple letter to the editor and I'm sure no one is surprised to read a pro-Catholic/anti-gay marriage letter there. Nonetheless, this letter isn't guised as some hysterical screed invoking horrific images […]
Doug Shields Introduces “Will of Council” in support of statewide LGBT discrimination protections
Just got word that City Council President Doug Shields will introduce a “Will of the Council” on Tuesday that will express the Council's support of HB 1400 which, along with SB 761, will amend the PA Human Relations Act to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” as protected classes. From Council President Shields' […]
LGBT Family Diversity Festival
City Paper: nice write up on PrideFest changes
This week's City Paper advises readers on recent changes in local PrideFest activities, including new management, a new location and the expansion to a week-long event. As we reported earlier, the Delta Foundation is sponsoring a community meeting to unveil the proposed changes and generate community investment in the larger effort (Tuesday, February 5, 7-9 […]
Al Gore: Yes, on Gay Marriage Equality
I think it's wrong for the government to discriminate against people because of a person's sexual orientation. I think that gay men and women ought to have the same rights as heterosexual men and women to make contracts, have hospital visiting rights, and join together in marriage. I don't understand why it is […]
PA Marriage Protection Amendment – Again
It's back. Sigh. From Equality Advocates: On January 17, 2008, Pennsylvania State Senators started working to pass a so-called “Marriage Protection Amendment” that would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to define marriage as solely between one man and one woman, as well as prohibit civil unions and potentially more. Please take a moment to call […]
I bet you are as tired of this refrain as me.
MSNBC picked up a little blurb on plans to make Pittsburgh a gay tourist mecca. gay and lesbian, excuse me. Of course, the story quotes two white gay male business owners. Both of whom are nice enough fellows and do good things. But if I were an out of town lesbian picking a spot to […]
Blog For Choice 2008: Why It Is Important to Vote Pro-Choice
I am pro-choice. Tuesday is the 35th Anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision and bloggers throughout the nation are working to raise the profile of reproductive choice vis a vis Blog for Choice 2008. My right to make decisions about my reproductive health is not something I take lightly. While only three when Roe […]
Legislative/Political Stuff You Should Know
From Equality Advocates: (To do something, click here). On January 17, 2008, Pennsylvania State Senators started working to pass a so-called Marriage Protection Amendment that would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to define marriage as solely between one man and one woman and prohibit civil unions and potentially more. Please take a moment to call and […]