Posts by Sue:
L Word Party Sunday Night
Did you know the Firehouse Lounge was lesbian-friendly? I never thought about it one way or another. My class president was considering it for our 20th year reunion, but we went another direction. Maybe that's too bad …anyway, if you want to hang out and watch the L-word, maybe this is an option. Let me […]
Huckabee: Gay Marriage =s Bestiality
Just in case you thought Christian fringe nutjob Mike Huckabee has any redeeming qualities, here he is in an interview with beliefnet…. Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some people would consider that a kind of dangerous undertaking, particularly given the variety of biblical interpretations.Well, I don’t […]
Legislative Push to Expand LGBT Protections in Employment, Housing and Public Accomodations
The week of January 28 through February 3 is a call to action day per Equality Advocates … On January 28 – February 3, 2008, join activists across the state in pushing for the successful passage of non-discrimination legislation in Pennsylvania! With the largest number of co-sponsors ever for pro-LGBT legislation in Pennsylvania, House Bill […]
So a lesbian and a chief editor walk into a coffeehouse …
Tonight, Ledcat and I sipped coffee and ooh la la'd with none other than Ms. Monongahela, Ms. Chief Editor. We reconnoitered at a local coffeehouse. I can't tell you which one because, you see, they have eyes everywhere. Even in the vegan rice krispie treats (i missed the marshmallows). It is always a fun time […]
Filled with GLEE – LGBT social networking site
Today's PG gave me the heads up on a new social networking phenomenon, GLEE – Gay, Lesbian & Everyone Else. I have a little MySpace page which I rarely use. I also have a Facebook page that has proven more useful in reconnecting with old friends and a lot easier to use. Then, there is […]
No longer a Vagina Monologues virgin
Saturday night, Ledcat and I caught a local performance of The Vagina Monologues at the City Theater. It was bloggers night. I snatched two tickets as soon as word hit the Internet. Clearly, this was the perfect occasion for Ledcat and I to see the show that pretty much defines your feminist street cred. Overall, […]
Operation Sappho this Saturday
Homophobia Disguised as Religious Bias Claim Tossed Out
Mellon fired an employee, in part due to his disrespectful treatment of his LGBTQ coworkers and in part due to his inappropriate work behavior. The employee, Avraham Schwartzberg of Squirrel Hill, filed a lawsuit claiming he was discriminated against because of his religion; he's an Orthodox Jew. He was a member of the company's group […]
What’s Going On? Bingo. Not Much Otherwise
“That's a good thing, right?” responds Ledcat to my plaintive wail that there is nothing to blog about. “No one is smearing local bar owners or other crap like that, right?” She's got a point. OUTrageous Bingo is debuting at its new Oakland home of Rodef Shalom. 7 PM Saturday. Be there or be (an […]
Former Mellon a good place for gays to work. Plus, other stuff.
From the Post-Gazette we learn: The former Mellon Financial Corp. was recognized by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, as one of the “Best Places to Work for GLBT Equality.” Last year, Mellon merged with the Bank of New York, which did not make the list ( […]