Posts by Sue:
The loss of a friend
Yesterday, I received word that a long-time friend had passed away early in the morning. I was stunned because I hadn't realized that he was that critically ill. I was horrified because I had let so much of our contact lapse over the past few years. As the day progressed, I was anguished as an […]
My Holiday Shopping
This year, I want the Complete First Season of Maude on DVD. Last year, I got the Complete First and Second Seasons of Family. I remember being scared of Maude as a child. She seemed kind of mean and the long flowing 70's frocks struck terror in my child heart. But she also seemed cool […]
Ennui at Lesbian Central
What to blog about? I'm sort of all politicked out what with the election and ENDA. I did get a missive from the AFA of PA informing me that Christian bookstores must now hire homosexuals. Sigh. But it didn't seem worth fretting over. So here's some light stuff … Take a poll on your favorite […]
The Morning After … Debra Todd, ENDA and
I'm sure by now you've made the rounds of the usual suspects … Comet, Burgher, Junkies, McIntire, Smoke Ball … I could go on and on …. frankly, I didn't have the gumption to drag my ass out of bed any earlier than usual to Wednesday morning quarterback the election — with a gay twist. […]
Does He or Does He Not? Gay Leaders Remain Mum on Ravenstahl and Civil Unions
10 a.m. at Lesbian Central and I'm taking a coffee break to review the blogs as we head into election day …the Burgh Report, 2PJ's, the Comet, the Angry Drunk Bureaucrat and even our dearest Ms. Mon. What I cannot do for you, dear readers, is clarify if Mayor Ravenstahl has had a “Come to Jesus” […]
It is 7 PM and Luke is reportedly now in favor of civil unions
Well, I am the suckiest lesbian correspondent ever. It is five hours post Luke/homo meeting and not a single one of my contacts has, well, contacted me. Meanwhile over at The Burgh Report, the Burgher has the scoop … wait for it … Luke now supports civil unions. Apparently, he was confused by the question. […]
Endorsements You Should Know About
Setting aside the Mayoral race for a few inches … consider what the Gertrude Stein Club of Pittsburgh and the Steel City Stonewall Democrats. It is a little confusing figuring out the actual slate for the General Election, but you can follow through to read the questionnaires for yourself. Last spring, the Allegheny County Democratic Committee […]
Luke and the Gays – Who Got Invited to the Party?
From comments Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ravenstahl to meet with Pgh gays on election eve by steelcitydyke on Mon 05 Nov 2007 10:57 AM EST | Profile | Permanent Link First of all your worries about me on the stonewall Dems can be at rest I am not a member however have been invited […]
Ravenstahl to meet with Pgh gays on election eve
It would seem that Luke's people realized what a huge gaffe he made last week by saying he does not favor civil unions. Thus, he has scheduled a meeting with representatives from the Steel City Stonewall Democrats at 2:30 PM Monday. To clarify. Apparently, Luke has stated that he doesn't know what a civil union […]
This Pittsburgh Lesbian Endorses Mark DeSantis
I endorse Mark DeSantis for Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh.