Posts by Sue:
John McIntire is celebrating my mother’s birthday! You should, too!
My mom turns 65 on November 1 and what better way to celebrate than with John McIntire and Gab Bonesso! From Gab Bonesso's MySpace page: This Thursday night (11-01-07) at the WORLD FAMOUS Pittsburgh Improv (well, the Improv franchise is “World Famous” not the Pittsburgh division per se) at 8PM The Sunshine Boys and Gab […]
Trick or Treat!
Courtesy of Father T ….
Queer Youth of Color Event at Chatham
This came via email. Tuesday, October 30 at Chatham, 7 PM. For more info: Phone: 412-365-1100 E-mail: or
LGBT Film Festival Closes With a Bang
One of the coolest things about the Pgh LGBT Film Festival is the experience of being in a crowded room of queer people and only knowing a fraction of them. There may be no previews to watch, but you can munch on your popcorn and try to figure out how many of the folks streaming […]
Live blogging from Beleza: Tutu, Obama and Norman
So tonight Ledcat and I rolled through the Northside to a favorite watering hole, Cafe Beleza. Kim got us all fixed up with hot chocolate (me) and mango lemon frou frou tea (Ledcat). It has been packed. Ledcat talked over music with staff …. they both went to the Grizzly Bear concert. I have to […]
I love The Big Bang Theory
I love the weirdest shows. My newest fav is CBS's “The Big Bang Theory” starring that cute little dude from Roseanne (another fabu show). It is a classic setup — two nerdy guys and the hottie definitely unnerdy chic living next door. I expected little, but was mightily surprised at how freakin' awesome is the […]
Barney Frank is coming to town
Dear Friends, Steel-City Stonewall Democrats and Congressman Mike Doyle would like to invite you to a Special Event with Representative Barney Frank of the 4th Congressional District of Massachusetts. This is a casual meet and greet event with the Founder of the Stonewall Democrats, Rep. Barney Frank. Please join us at the home of Christine […]
Cat Specter, Cindy Sheehan and the Itty Bitty Titty Committee
It looks like I'll be viewing the “Itty Bitty Titty Committee” after all, assuming all goes well next Sunday. So I should actually thank the woman who wrote her somewhat critical missive about lesbians supporting the Pittsburgh International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. She got me off my duff and, well, onto my duff in […]
Morrissey, puppies and unicorn wishes for my birthday
I love The Smiths. Monday, I'm 37. Yikes!
Round Up …kids, politics, films and …lesbians
The Post-Gazette has a nice story on the impact of Gay Straight Alliances (GSA's) on local youth. My favorite quote: “Prejudice begins at home, but I truly believe people can be educated.” The City Paper's Melissa Meinzer explores what H.B. 1400 could mean for Pennsylvanians. This legislation expands discrimination protections to sexual orientation, gender identity and […]