Posts by Sue:
Does He or Does He Not? Gay Leaders Remain Mum on Ravenstahl and Civil Unions
10 a.m. at Lesbian Central and I'm taking a coffee break to review the blogs as we head into election day …the Burgh Report, 2PJ's, the Comet, the Angry Drunk Bureaucrat and even our dearest Ms. Mon. What I cannot do for you, dear readers, is clarify if Mayor Ravenstahl has had a “Come to Jesus” […]
It is 7 PM and Luke is reportedly now in favor of civil unions
Well, I am the suckiest lesbian correspondent ever. It is five hours post Luke/homo meeting and not a single one of my contacts has, well, contacted me. Meanwhile over at The Burgh Report, the Burgher has the scoop … wait for it … Luke now supports civil unions. Apparently, he was confused by the question. […]
Endorsements You Should Know About
Setting aside the Mayoral race for a few inches … consider what the Gertrude Stein Club of Pittsburgh and the Steel City Stonewall Democrats. It is a little confusing figuring out the actual slate for the General Election, but you can follow through to read the questionnaires for yourself. Last spring, the Allegheny County Democratic Committee […]
Luke and the Gays – Who Got Invited to the Party?
From comments Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ravenstahl to meet with Pgh gays on election eve by steelcitydyke on Mon 05 Nov 2007 10:57 AM EST | Profile | Permanent Link First of all your worries about me on the stonewall Dems can be at rest I am not a member however have been invited […]
Ravenstahl to meet with Pgh gays on election eve
It would seem that Luke's people realized what a huge gaffe he made last week by saying he does not favor civil unions. Thus, he has scheduled a meeting with representatives from the Steel City Stonewall Democrats at 2:30 PM Monday. To clarify. Apparently, Luke has stated that he doesn't know what a civil union […]
This Pittsburgh Lesbian Endorses Mark DeSantis
I endorse Mark DeSantis for Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh.
DeSantis says Yes to Civil Unions, Ravenstahl says No
I missed the debate last night, but have had multiple folks email me this morning with this very importantpoint. When questioned about inclusiveness of the LGBTQ community in the City, the mayoral candidates were asked to specifically state their positions on “gay unions” and “gay marriage.” Luke Ravenstahl stated that he does not support gay […]
Happy Birthday, Mum!
John McIntire is celebrating my mother’s birthday! You should, too!
My mom turns 65 on November 1 and what better way to celebrate than with John McIntire and Gab Bonesso! From Gab Bonesso's MySpace page: This Thursday night (11-01-07) at the WORLD FAMOUS Pittsburgh Improv (well, the Improv franchise is “World Famous” not the Pittsburgh division per se) at 8PM The Sunshine Boys and Gab […]
Trick or Treat!
Courtesy of Father T ….