Posts by Sue:
Pittsburgh’s Slant on Kids of Gay Parents
I am really, really tired tonight so I will definitely not give this justice. However, I've already had two inquiries asking me if I'm going to post about the Post-Gazette article on gay parenting. So here is my post. Click here for the article and wonderful sidebars. A few points of interest … * The existing […]
City Paper Reader Ire Over Kennywood DeGaying Pirate Show
Woe to she who gets on the bad side of Janice Milliner of Buena Vista. Janice got herself all worked up in response to news that Kennywood had changed homophobic content in their pirate show, thanks in large part to the efforts of one Mary Hawk. You may recall that Mary viewed the Kennywood show […]
Do lesbians make Mama Ravenstahl cry?
The boy who would be Mayor President is making us feel guilty for upsetting his mama. According to the Post-Gazette's front page propaganda, er, article, the Mayor laughs in the face of those who would mock him. His sainted mother, however, weeps as we merrily make up awful crap about her son. Ha! Then there are […]
Another ACDC Update
For those following the saga of my contact with the Allegheny County Democratic Committee … I spoke directly with Tiffany at the ACDC yesterday morning. She clarified the names and contact information for my committefolks. I asked her what their duties are and explained that I've never had any political contact with them (no contact at […]
Ellwood City Man Calls a Bigot, a Bigot
Vince Avedon of Ellwood City knows bigotry when he reads about it. So he took a moment to call out President Bush's intent to veto the extension of hate crimes legislation to include homosexuals. President Bush said he will veto any bill that would include gays and lesbians in this existing hate crime law. His […]
State Rep Chelsa Wagner’s Office Steps Up
Sometimes, people do pay attention. I just now received a call from a legislative staffer with State Representative Chelsa Wagner's office. My post to the Run, Baby, Run email list about Democratic Committee reps caught his eye, particularly the part where I stated that Pgh City Councilwoman Tonya Payne is the only elected official I've […]
The Birth of the Pgh Women’s Blogging Society
A secret agent, a lesbian and a political junkie walked into a cyber-coffeehouse. A few keystrokes later, the Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society was born. The Society is open to all women bloggers in the Pittsburgh region. To participate, you must have a virtual footprint be it a blog, email-list or dynamic website. Your gender identity […]
PA Wingnuts Want to Oust Gay Chairman of Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission
Today is June 4, which marks the end of Stephen Glassman's five year term as chair of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission. Governor Ed Rendell is expected to nominate Glassman for another term. Diane Gramley and her bastion of bigots are hopping mad about this and have churned out the hate literature fast enough to make […]
Mini ACDC Update
Ledcat informs that the ACDC has returned my telephone call and left the names of my comitteefolks on our voice mail. One is the lady I identified in my earlier post. I'll learn the other person's identity tomorrow when I get back to da 'burgh. I am going to call them back and find out […]
Weekend at BJ’s (Wedding) – the proof is in the love, not the orientation
I'm blogging from a Holiday Inn on Long Island where I've been ensconsed for the wedding of my college roommate, BJ, and her now-husband Ron. I flew into JFK and discovered that one of my bags went missing, thankfully not the one with my wedding attire. I was not in the wedding party, but showing […]