Posts by Sue:
AFA of PA: Diversity Undermining Academic Focus in PA Schools
Diane Gramley sent me another press releases yesterday. It seems she has uncovered the school system component of the homosexual agenda — we are going to infiltrate the academic world by promoting diversity and thus, perhaps undermine academic efforts. [GLSEN's] No Name Calling Week lesson plans were one to two 30-45 minute sessions per day. […]
Hysterical Christian Pop Parody: God Hates Fags – What Does Pgh Bishop Duncan Think?
h/t to Pam's House Blend This is absolutely hysterical. A video from the upcoming album of Donnie Davis and Evening Service from Love God's Way ministries. Pam has all the details as intrepid bloggers ferret out the genius behind this parody. Its been banned from MySpace, Google and YouTube. I was rolling in my pajamas […]
News from Ohio: Plans to protect state workers from discrimination on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
h/t to Pam's House Blend According to the Dayton Daily News, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland may soon sign an executive order protecting state workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation. The even better news is that the Secretary of State and Attorney General plan to expand that to include gender identity. “Frankly, I don't think […]
Tony Norman: Isaiah Washington “irrelevant” to reality of homophobia within African-American community
From today's Post-Gazette: Is it religion that fosters this willful ignorance and compulsion to deny basic civil rights to other oppressed minorities? Why is the black church so complicit in taking up the cudgel of discrimination when so many organists, choir leaders and assistant pastors are obviously gay? What accounts for this shameful lack of […]
Queer Shout Out to Sparkly Crippled Disco Babe on the Bus
Our great friend and all-around grooviest of the cool chics – Jennah – has gotten herself quote in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on a matter of great import to every one of us … the proposed Port Authority transit cuts. Jennah is one of the amazingest people in the world — she takes no shit but […]
Cat’s Call: PG Advice Columnist Jettisons Carrie Bradshaw Approach – Meow!
The Correspondents are happy to report that the advice business over at the Post-Gazette has slowly improved. Fear not, they haven't kicked off the “Just Ask Reg” column much to the dismay of middle age white guys throughout the city. We understand that Mayor Opie had floated the idea of a nifty “Do What Dennis Says” daily column […]
Pittsburgh music you won’t want to miss
Its a brrrrryyyy cold week here in da 'burgh. Being firmly ensconced on the couch with some illness of indeterminate origin, I don't have much in the way of excitement or cool tidings to share with you. My supervisor actually sent me home from work. It was just like elementary school without the call for […]
Gay wedding announcements – Post Gazette says yes?
Today's PG features news of an alliance promoting gay wedding announcements in newspapers throughout the land. Mr. Robinson said the alliance is intensifying its campaign to encourage gays and lesbians to submit news of their engagements and commitment ceremonies. “For a lot of daily newspapers, a lot of editorial decisions are driven by their community,” […]
Blogging for Choice in Pittsburgh
Today I join hundreds of other bloggers around the nation to share why I am pro-choice. Please forgive if this does not flow as well as I would like – I'm not feeling 100% today. Blog for Choice Day is a chance to raise the profile of reproductive rights issues in the blogosphere and the […]
Philly Anti-Gay Protestors Arrest OK court rules
Not feeling so well today so I'm going to cheat. From and the Philadelphia Daily News comes word that bigotry does not always win. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) A federal judge has ruled that the city of Philadelphia did not violate the rights of an anti-gay group when it arrested them during a protest at the city's gay […]