Posts by Sue:
More on Brent Dugan: Clergy, KDKA meet to agree neither is homophobic
The City Paper covers the recent meeting of the minds of the Christian Associates of Southwestern Pennsylvania and KDKA head honchos in which they determined well, really not much of anything other than to mutually continue beating their own drums of “we did nothing wrong.” That's a complete load of hooey and Brent Dugan is […]
My Wish List for PrideFest Entertainment 2007
Pittsburgh is fortunate to have a talented pool of queer and queer-friendly performance artists, some of whom I have met over the past year. They include singer-songwriters, spoken word artists, comedians, poets, rappers, puppeteers, and so forth. PrideFest is the annual community celebration of all things queer (or gay) and includes a chunk of stage […]
Temporary New Location for OUTrageous Bingo
Just an FYI that the April and May editions of OUTrageous Bingo, sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Community Center and Shepherd Wellness Center, will be held at CCAC Boyce Campus in Monroeville. This is apparently due to some planned renovations at the regular site, Goodwill Industries, on the Southside. According to my best sources, […]
Meliss and Tammy at the Oscars
Ellen was funny. Too bad we had to sit through 750 tribute and homage videos, not to mention a sound effects choir. B-O-R-I-N-G. I would rather listen to all the flaming fashion critics screech their way through the entire red carpet line, including the men, than sit through that again. Word of advice — let […]
The Trib Weighs in on Gay Sheep and Tim Hardaway
Local opinion seems to be that our own con-alternative paper, the Tribune Review, is pretty anti-gay. The fact, however, is that most of their gay coverage has been consistent with mainstream thought on gays — we aren't so bad after all, its not such a big deal, don't we have better things to worry about […]
PG Takes a Look at the Pgh Episcopal Role in Larger Debate
For months, our attention here in Pittsburgh has been given to one of the nation's most outspoken mongerers of Christo-intolerance, Episcopal Bishop Duncan. Even as Pittsburgh's Episcopal diocese moves increasingly to the conservative right with a threat to leave the Episcopal body and seek refuge in the worldwide Anglican union, there are voices in the […]
Beaver County Man – Society Sissified by Affirmative Action
What with all the weather and all, I missed this little gem of a letter in the Beaver County Times that was penned by Paul Kisiday of Freedom (ironic, no?). Paul decries the sissification of contemporary society as exemplified by complaints over Super Bowl ads. It seems that all the furor over distraught robots, homoerotic […]
The Slippery Slope of Intolerance and Second-Class Status Leads to Death of 72 Year Old Gay Bashing Victim
Andrew Anthos, a 72 year old Michigan gay man who was viciously beaten with a pipe outside his apartment, has died from his injuries. He survived for several days, paralyzed and barely able to breathe. Here's my post on the original attack. This man was riding home from the public library on a public bus. […]
Local queer youth explore issues of faith through drama troupe
The Post-Gazette has a thoughtful piece on Dreams of Hope, a local drama troupe for LGBTQ teens and their allies. Their performance theme this year is “Gay Youth in Good Faith.” “One of the biggest themes is the personal issue of sin, of how something that is so natural and doesn't seem like a bad […]
Will Luke Ravenstahl attend Steel City Stonewall (Gay) Democrats Pgh Candidates Forum
Maybe its just me, but isn't the mayoral race important to the region, too? Luke Ravenstahl isn't exactly Mr. Progressive per 2 Political Junkies on issues like choice, contraception, free speech, open government, blah, blah, blah. I know the muckety muck rich Riccardi loving homos embrace these Social Conservative Democrats for all they are worth, but […]