Posts by Sue:
Do Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents = Pornography?
Tonight some disturbing news from our good friend Dave over at 2 Political Junkies. It seems that the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has categorized the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents’ website as pornography and blocked access from their computers. OH MY! Seriously, pornography? I took a quick look at the online library policies which indicates that material […]
Mon Valley Schools Bury Heads in Sand Over Bullying
From Monday’s Valley Independent, I learned that most of the high schools in the mid-Mon Valley believe they are being proactive on cyber-bullying. According to Charleroi Superintendent Dr. Brad Ferko. “I think technology is a great thing, but like everything, it has to be controlled,” he said. “We’ve (addressed) bullying and cyber safety at the PTA […]
Lesbian Brains Differ From Straight Women’s Brains
From the AP today, I picked up an interesting little tidbit. Swedish research indicates that lesbians' brains react differently to sex hormones than the brains of straight women. In fact, lesbian reactions are similar to the reaction of heterosexual men; previous research indicates that the opposite is true for gay men – their reaction are […]
Post Gazette Kisses White House Ass, Fawns Over Local Sibs
Thanks to the Post-Gazette, we now know to avoid Chocolate Celebrations and the Milkshake Factory on Southside. It is the family business of siblings Chris and Dana Edwards, both of whom are proud members of the Bush Administration. Dana coordinates POTUS travel and Chris, who bears the title SPECIAL assistant to the President, oversees logistics […]
Catherine Specter should work for the Mt. Lebanon School District
This week Catherine Specter starts off strong with a well-phrased dose of withering advice for a woman manipulating her husband with a “did he notice my haircut?” test. Nicely done. Could I be wrong about Specter's Carrie Bradshaw ambitions? Not so much. In the next letter, a reader asks whether a lack of compliments from a […]
Unintended Casualties: Another Example of Anti-Gay Impact on Unsuspecting Heterosexuals
PG writer Sally Kalson tackles the thorny issues of surrogate pregnancy custody in response to a recent court ruling removing custody of triplets from their surrogate mother. It is a complicated, sticky mess and certainly deserving of some attention for our legislature. However, PA plans to establish a legal framework in surrogacy matters will tap into […]
Update on PA Marriage Amendment – good news
From The Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights comes word that the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has recessed without taking action on the amendment. What exactly does that mean? For one thing, your legislator is home in your district for the next month. This is a good time to contact her/him in person AGAIN and […]
Rene Portland Article in PG — No Letters?
It has been one week since the Post-Gazette article on the Rene Portland debacle ran (Penn State's 'Mommy Coach' a bigot?) Given that women's hoops are fairly popular around here, I expected … well, something! Between the lesbians, the parents of high school players, the Pitt b-ball fans, and those who actively support the criminalization of […]
Mary Cheney – Republican Princess of Collusion
How could I not post this (Mike Tidmus blog)
Corresponents Enjoy Listening to Eve Goodman
Last night, we took a drive into Regent Square to hear singer/songwriter Eve Goodman perform at the Square Cafe. She's great. We heard about her performance through a local Queer Events email list and thought it sounded like a nice evening. So off we drove. It was well worth the $98.34 in gas (kidding). 🙂 Eve […]