Posts by Sue:
Altoona Finds Soldier Not Guilty of Sexual Assault; Complaintant Forced to Come Out
An Altoona jury found that an Army Reserve officer was not guilty of sexually assaulting a female officer. He said it was consensual sex. She claimed otherwise. Guess who the jurors believed? During the trial, the woman soldier testified that she had not wanted to file charges for fear that it would come out that she […]
Thugs Linked to Government Attack Polish Gay Marchers
From, we find this morning that marchers in a Polish gay tolerance parade (Equality Days) were attacked by youth “counterprotestors” (thugs). Dozens of the parade's 1,000 marchers were injured. Media sources indicate that there is a link between this particular group of thugs and Polish President Lech Kaczynski who has a history of oppressing […]
Lesbian Correspondent Goes National!
I want to thank the man who made it all possible for this little correspondent to hit the big time …. soon to be former US Senator Rick Santorum! Yes, folks, I am doing a one month guest stint as a lesbian correspondent for a NATIONAL blog (ooohhhhhhh!). 🙂 It is called Big Gay Picture […]
Hypocrites in right winger land
As a member of the female species and a feminist I have been paying attention to the furor in Mt. Lebanon. I have some friends who live in Mt. Lebanon and my grandfather lived there for many years. It's a nice place. Lately it has also provided a lesson in good ole fashion hypocrisy, one […]
AFA of PA: Being Queer More Risky Than Bullying and Harassment
I just have to post the whole damn message I received as part of my subscription to the American Family Association of PA email list. 🙂 Apparently, homos have shorter life spans than our heterosexual counterparts. Not to mention the obligatory reference to us hurting kids. From: AFA of PA [] Sent: Thursday, April 27, […]
City Paper – Marriage Amendment Could Hurt A Lot of Heterosexuals
We've said it before, but it bears repeating …. Metcalfe's Marriage Amendment could hurt tens of thousands of unmarried heterosexual couples. The City Paper does a nice job with this. U.S. Census 2000 estimates there are roughly 240,000 Pennsylvania families — about 5 percent of the state’s 4.8 million households — made up of unmarried […]
Big Lesbian Welcome to Correspondent Shelly
Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents is pleased to welcome our newest correspondent Shelly. We’ve known Shelly for several years — she is very active in the local LGBT community. Her writing, you will find, is articulate, insightful and from a slightly different perspective than Ledcat and me. Three’s Company, too! Welcome aboard Shelly! Sue
A Reply to Rep. Daryl Metcalfe
Dear Mr. Metcalfe: Your information about the history of marriage is far from accurate. Marriage, as an institution, was first recorded less than 4400 years ago. It was first created as an economic institution: a way of insuring that a man's children were actually his and that his wealth, accumlated over generations, would pass onto […]
Anti-Gay Graffiti at Geneva College
From the website comes this brief story about a second round of hate laced graffiti in one month on the campus of Geneva College in Beaver Falls. The first time, it was solely racial slurs, now its expanded to anti-gay and anti-Semitic remarks as well. Geneva officials and students state they are trying to avoid […]
Is America headed toward 1870 and 1930 era Germany?
My partner and I went to see the play “I am my own Wife” last night. I know it didn't get a good review in the City Paper, but we both liked it. But, of course, this little post isn't about reviewing a play. According to the program that gave the history of the play, […]