Posts by Sue:
Update on Rich White People, Upper St. Clair and Uncle Eddie
I was wrong! On Monday, I credited the USC decision to reinstate the International Baccalaureate Program as a sign of hope. From the PG: Funding will come from a combination of $45,000 raised by families of the students and $85,000 guaranteed by Gov. Ed Rendell to the district, board members said. I just shake my […]
Update on PA Marriage Amendment
From the PA-GALA website, an update on the PA marriage protection amendment … The Anti-Marriage Amendment (HB 2381) is on the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives Agenda for the week of Monday, April 24th! A vote on the Amendment could be held anytime this week! PA-GALA needs you to contact your State Representative and ask him or her to oppose the Anti-Marriage Amendment. Ask your […]
Trib : Portland Proves Hate Okay
The Trib's Mike Seate steps up for his turn on the Rene Portland homobashing situation and considers Portland a viable candidate for Pennsylvania politics. [I]nstead of offering any apologies or explanations for her bigotry and paranoia, Portland held a news conference last week where she refused to answer any questions. In fact, she pretty much […]
Take Heart: Rich White Liberals Can Drive Back the Wingers
From a blurb on the Post-Gazette website comes the nugget that the Upper St. Clair School District is reinstating the International Baccalaureate program in the face of a hailstorm of protest and a pending lawsuit. IB is an educational curriculum that proposes to give students an “international” perspective in the classroom. Obviously, its a propaganda […]
Lesbians Host ManXposure 2006
Aren't they cute? These are two of our canine crew members, Alexander and Amadeus. We've been working on a 7 month quest to help them come to terms with their apparent fear of men. Hence … MANXPOSURE 2006 Essentially, we ferret out our male friends who aren't afraid of big dogs and invite them over […]
Hurrah for Dana Elmendorf!
Local gay advocate Dana Elmendorf asks Pennsylvania to consider why Darryl Metcalfe and his band of merry men are rushing the marriage protection amendment to the House floor? This was in the PG. UPDATE 11:27 AM: And this was in Friday's Tribune Review. Good job Dana!
Post Gazette Applauds Penn State Stance on Rene Portland
The Post-Gazette Editors have spoken — (emphasis mine) We applaud university President Graham Spanier for upping the penalty from the initially suggested and insultingly negligible one-game suspension to a $10,000 fine. Perhaps the punishment should have been more severe. Had she discriminated against a player on the basis of race or ethnicity, she'd likely […]
More on Nigerian Gay Hate Bill
From Black Looks and Feministing comes this update on the Nigerian legislation criminalizing homosexuality (you'll recall the PG op-ed discussion on this issue). The Nigerian homosexuality bill, the “Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006” which was presented to the House on the 31st March has now had its first reading in the Senate. A report […]
Do local politicans read the Post-Gazette?
By my count, the Post-Gazette has published 11 letters to the editor on the topic of the anti-gay marriage amendment making its way through the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Prior to these letters, the PG featured two op-ed pieces on the same topic. The pro-amendment position came from sponsor, Darryl Metcalfe. The anti-amendment position came from […]
Tribune Review – Metcalfe's "Marriage Amendment" Unnecessary
Tribune Review colunist Eric Heyl has coined a new verb. To “Metcalf” is to “wantonly engage in acts of stupefying redundancy.” Heyl goes right for the political jugular Regardless of your opinion on same-sex marriage, know this about Metcalfe's anti-brokeback bill: It is entirely unnecessary, as superfluous and manipulative a piece of legislation as you […]