Posts by Sue:
More sports folks weigh in on Rene Portland's gay bashing
From Sunday's Post-Gazette, sports colunist Ron Cook calls for Rene Portland to be fired. What in the world is the Penn State administration thinking by allowing Portland to stay on as coach after its half-year internal investigation determined she created a “hostile, intimidating and offensive environment” for at least one of her players whom she […]
PG Columnist Catherine Specter Continues to Demean Readers
For the past two weeks, I haven't found anything worth commenting about in the Post-Gazette's “Just Ask Cat” column, a quasi-advice section penned by Catherine Specter. Specter is the genetic mutation of Harriet Nelson and Carrie Bradshaw, minus the cool hair. Why does it bother me so? One need only turn to the back of […]
Rene Portland – What the Local Media Has Been Saying
You know Rene Portland is not my favorite person. She is found guilty of discriminating against lesbians (or perceived lesbians) and Penn State gives her a little slap on the wrist. As the Trib reports, Penn State is clearly responsible for “creating Rene Portland and allowing her to get away with this” per Jennifer Harris […]
Let's hear it for Heather from Shaler!
Today, Heather Chirdon of Shaler takes Concerned Women for America to task for their support of the marriage amendment. The notion of bringing the gay marriage amendment to a referendum vote is laughable. As a woman I feel it is my duty to remind her that the vote she would like to use is the […]
PG article on Presbyterian Homophobia confuses Correspondent
In today's PG, Ann Rodgers reports on the Pittsburgh Presbytery's decision to keep homonegative language in a document that underscores anti-LGBT ordination. I get that the majority of Presbyterian voters decided that this language is okay with them, even when challenged to reflect on whether this language truly represents the church. What language? Here's a bit: […]
City Paper Drops the Ball Exploring the Black Gay Faith Experience
This week's City Paper takes an interesting look at the conflict many gay African-American's struggle with between their faith and their sexual orienation. Commend the CP for exploring the range from those who want church help “getting through” being gay to those seeking full acceptance and inclusion. Some ministers take a hard stance invoking scripture […]
Penn State "reprimands" lesbian baiter coach
Proving once again that athletics trumps anything else in higher education, Penn State has issued a “letter of reprimand” to Rene Portland for her lesbian baiting ways. AND it will go in her permanent file … ooohhhhh. This is so utterly pathetic … they acknowledge that Rene Portland harassed Jennifer Harris, but don't deem it […]
More from PG readers on anti-gay marriage amendment
Apparently, I spoke too soon. Today's Post-Gazette includes a letter to the editor from Nancy Staible of Zelienople, Pennsylvania Director of Concerned Women for America. Ms. Staible rambles on about children needing two parents and the fact that married couples are wealthier and less prone to injury. After reading her letter 4 or 5 times, […]
Will Congress Allow Christian Schools to Legally Reject LGBT students?
Holy smokes .. this one slipped under the radar. An amendment to the Higher Education Act will allow private Christian colleges to be exempted from state and local non-discrimination laws when it comes to accreditation. Its a cloak and dagger maneuver to essentially allow Christian schools to reject (or expel) homosexual students w/o fear of […]
Eat Pancakes for Queer Kids — Something Fun to do next weekend
Dreams of Hope Youth Invited to Perform in Twin Cities Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser! hosted by Dreams of Hope Saturday, April 29 Seating times: 10:00am and 11:30am Community of Reconciliation; 100 N. Bellefield Ave corner of 5th and Bellefield; street parking and lot across Bellefield Performance for both seatings $5 for breakfast EAT DRINK (juice, coffee, […]