Posts by Sue:
Easter Bunny v Spring Bunny
This is not the Easter Bunny (or the Spring Bunny). Her name is Autum and she needs a permanent home. Clickon her picture for more information on helping rabbits. World Net Daily fumes about the left-wing attack on yet another Christian holiday … Easter. See what Shakespeare Sister does with this ….
Rick's smile couldn't be more fake if Hillary were behind him.
Catherine Specter: Hypocrites Shouldn't Point Fingers
This week, I found Catty's advice to be fairly benign. She does still deliver a healthy dose of hypocrisy along with a rather nasty scratch at a reader. Overall, she continues to fall far short of the bar set by the advice goddesses, Ann and Abby. How much longer will the Post-Gazette force us to […]
Pitt Human Rights Conference to Discuss Gay Rights
I found this on the Trib web site Oakland Pitt sponsors human rights conference The University of Pittsburgh is sponsoring the Conference on Human Rights and the Security Continuum from noon to 6 p.m. March 31 and 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. April 1 at Posvar Hall, third floor, 230 S. Bouquet St., Oakland. The […]
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New Marc Jacobs Ad Exploits Violence Against Women
From the latest edition of Vogue comes this ad for Marc Jacobs (click on the image to see the larger ad). To see the whole thing for yourself, go to his website click on the rat (???) and then click on Ads under the Collections menu. Most ads are just annoying. This goes over […]
US stands by while Iraq Death Squads Murdering Gays
In a stunning human rights travesty, Gay City News reports that gays and lesbians are being systematically kidnapped, beaten and murdered on a daily basis by Iraqui death squads. Following a death-to-gays fatwa issued last October by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, death squads of the Badr Corps have been systematically targeting gay Iraqis for persecution […]
Poll Shows Americans Become More Supportive of Gay Marriage
A poll released Wednesday from the Pew Research Center for the People and Press shows that opposition to gay marriage has dropped from 63% to 51% since February 2004. ( More good news. The number of people who say they strongly oppose gay marriage has dropped from 42 percent in early 2004 to 28 percent […]
PG Advice on Manly Hugs
Never underestimate Peter Leo's ability to get right to the deepest issues plaguing modern Pittsburgher's — including man on man physical contact etiquette. Eh? THE MOST IMPORTANT PART occurs: the ritual back-slap. This is where you retain your masculinity while in an embrace with another man. To counteract this possibly homosexual act, you need to […]