Posts by Sue:
Fazing my therapist
My childhood sucked. I knew it then, I know it now. I’ve been working with my current therapist for over four years. She specializes in trauma processing and we’ve spoken at length about some of the atrocities in my life. But with all of her experience, it is hard to faze her. Until this week. […]
Support These Veterans Taking Care of Cat Colonies on This Veterans Day
You might be surprised to learn how many veterans from the United States military forces are cat folx. They have pets, they volunteer, and many have memories of cats (and dogs) they encountered in their service. And some are caretakers of cat colonies … continuing to serve their communities by feeding and TNVRing cats. This […]
I Don’t Mind Political Ads
As a regular viewer of local news on TV, I see a lot of commercials – mostly for furniture, AC/duct/windows/bathroom installers, and assorted dubious medical hucksters. Obviously, most of the ads lately are tied to campaigns. People complain about them. I don’t. It’s irritating, yes, but until we get real campaign reform – it’s a […]
Random TV Thoughts
Finished Derry Girls last night. Excellent series finale. I didn’t quite get the Sister Michael comment about the Bishop. But overall it was lovely. Destined to be a classic. Also watched Screw from BBC last week starring Jamie-Lee O’Donnell from the above show. It was hard to separate her from the character of Michelle at […]
On this Caturday
We are still very much learning cat folx skills. We’ve been caretaking for a colony since 2017. We’ve been fostering since May 2019. We’ve fostered 28 kittens. All have survived and flourish in adoptive homes. All experienced illness requiring lots of vet visits and care. Late, late nights and early mornings. Some came to us […]
#NaBloPoMo: Five Ridiculous Things Genealogists Do
I rarely refer to myself as a genealogist (a word I often struggle to spell), preferring ‘family tree explorer’ or ‘family history documenter’ mainly because genealogists seem to be nuts. Not all of them, not all genealogists. But enough of them are loud enough to suck the fun out of it. Rigidity about who I […]
Billy Porter and Rashad Robinson, President of Color of Change, discuss the power of the Black and queer vote and how to motivate LGBTQ voters to the polls.
Billy Porter: What do you say to black and queer voters who turned out in 2020 and feel like they didn’t get what they wanted? Rashad Robinson: Part of activism is trying to push things as far as we can absolutely go, but when we get there, recognizing that we’ve gotten there. The $10,000 and […]
My Essay About Voting
Day two of #NaBloPoMo This feels mandatory, a reminder to all of you about why you must vote and vote Blue in the elections next week. I like to think that anyone reading my blog would be familiar with these issues and already a regular voter. But since I don’t actually know most of you, […]
NaBloPoMo: The Poor Souls In Purgatory
November is National Blog Post Month – the goal is to write a blog post each day of the month. This used to be a big thing with prompts, logos, incentives, etc. Now it is just a solitary pursuit. Today is November 1, 2022. Known to many of us as All Saints Day (a Holy […]
How to Request Toys for Tots in Western Pennsylvania in 2022
This is our annual (10+ year) round-up of Toys for Tots programs in Western Pennsylvania for 2022. I’ve done my best to sort through the available information and provide you what you may need to know. PLEASE click through to the applicable link to doublecheck the details. I will update as information becomes available. Some […]