Posts by Sue:
No particular reason to post this except its kinda cool
6 reasons Jesus was gay
1. He never got married. 2. He lived at home until he was 33. 3. He was followed around by men who left their wives to be with him. 4. He was “sensitive” toward women and other vulnerable people. 5. He was docile and loving toward others. 6. He was persecuted by the church AND […]
"Christian" Tennessee welcomes Soulforce Homo-Hater Style
Look at what a positive and uplifting impact “Christianity” has made in Tennessee … Soulforce's Equality Riders get a taste of Southern Hospitality! (Cleveland, TN) – The Equality Ride bus was defaced Thursday evening outside the hotel where Riders were in a planning meeting for their action on Friday at Lee University. As the meeting dispersed, […]
Local Anti-War Movement Gains Queer Contingent
Check this out from the City Paper The March 18 anti-war march from East Liberty to Oakland has gained a new queer contingent. And the weekend’s activities — which mark the beginning of the Iraq War’s fourth year — has spawned concerts and opened a Greensburg front this year as well. In addition to […]
Clear Channel Protects Tom Delay
From Progressive PA Politics …. SHAME! Part III. Clear Channel won't run anti-Gerlach billboard.March 16, 2006Speaking of limiting democracy, Clear Channel won't let supporters of Lois Murphy (D) to advertise on their billboards in the 6th CD. Clear Channel, which owns most of the billboards in the district, says they won't run a billboard […]
Another Update on Marriage Amendment
From the ACLU lobbiest: “He feels that we can still win this battle, BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO PUT A HUMAN FACE ON THIS AMENDMENT! State legislators and state senators need to meet people, both GLBT and straight, who oppose this amendment. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to set up district office visits to speak […]
Notes on anti-gay boycotts
According to the New York Times, advertising in gay media has been on the rise. Rivendell Media, an advertising representative for gay and lesbian media outlets in Mountainside, N.J., said spending in publications aimed at gay audiences rose 2 percent in 2005, to $212 million. From 2003 to 2004, spending increased 28 percent. This year, […]
Homo Lovers, Homo Haters Issue Press Releases on Gay Marriage
Here's the latest from our friend Dan Frankel ……… “This amendment would put at risk vital legal protections for thousandsof unmarried same-sex and opposite-sex couples in Pennsylvania,including many senior citizens. Rushing this amendment through wouldjeopardize their inheritance rights and their rights to make medicaldecisions for each other.” And our homohating foe Darryl Metcalfe (shown with […]
Play that funky music dubya!
Update on Marriage Amendment
From the Value All Families Coalition: The amendment is still active. So far, there has been a motion totable the amendment for two weeks so there could be a public hearingon the amendment. We LOST this motion on a tie vote, 14-14. Thecommittee has now recessed so that the legislators can go intosession. The committee […]