Posts by Sue:
Dan Frankel – Hatin' Homos Not Good For PA economy
State Rep. Dan Frankel steps up for homos once again! “We must fight this irrational amendment. Progress on this issue is slowbut it is steady. Look at Corporate America: about half of the Fortune500 companies offer domestic-partner benefits – it's just equal benefitsfor equal work. Eleven states provide these benefits to their employees,as do many […]
Why Does Jane Orie Hate Gay People?
State Senator Jane Orie is putting her time and energy behind persecuting homosexuals (and the 250,000 unmarried heterosexual couples in Pennsylvania). (412) 630-9466 Western PA Senate sponsors of Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of theCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for marriage. State Senator Bob Regola – District 39 Greensburg 724-600-7002 State Senator Don […]
PA Legislators Vote on Gay Marriage Amendment on 3/15/2006
Take Action! On March 15th, the Pennsylvania House of Representative's State Government Committee will be voting on HB 2381, the anti-LGBT, anti-family constitutional amendment that would prohibit recognition of same-sex marriage and all unmarried relationships in the Commonwealth. We need your help to stop anti-LGBT activists from writing discrimination into the Pennsylvania Constitution. Pennsylvania state […]
Another PG letter defending African intolerance
Today's Post-Gazette includes a letter from Scott Means, Administrator of the Seeds of Hope Fellowship in Bloomfield. Seeds of Hope is a mission church of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. As a member of the Episcopal Church, I was ashamed to read Bishop Chane display his ignorance of African culture. He clearly presumes that it […]
ACLU honors Pittsburgh gay activist Randy Forrester
(Pittsburgh) – The Greater Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania (ACLU-PA) will hear ACLU national president Nadine Strossen discuss “Taking Liberties” at its Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 26, at 1 p.m. in McConomy Auditorium at Carnegie Mellon University. Highlighting the free public event is the presentation of this year's Marjorie […]
PG Letters to the Editor: Shout Out to the Homos!
In today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, we find two (2) letters to the editor responding to A Gospel of Intolerance. Susan J. Boulden of Oakmont writes ” As a 20-year member of Integrity, the Episcopal Organization of Gays and Lesbians, and a 35-year member of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, I had been praying that someone in […]
60 Minutes "Something" before birth determines sexual orientation
Sunday evening's edition of 60 Minutes included Lesley Stah's report “The Science of Sexual Orientation” in which she explores recent research into sexual orientation. Today, scientists are looking at genes, environment, brain structure and hormones. There is one area of consensus: that homosexuality involves more than just sexual behavior; it’s physiological. The show interviewed two […]
Miami Columnist – Bible Bashing Gays is Hypocritical
This is awesome. I found this through Pam's House Blend Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts, Jr. takes a local homo-hater to task. An open letter to Donna Reddick: I'm writing this for Desiree. She's a student at Miami Sunset Senior High, where you teach business technology. A few days ago, she sent me an e-mail […]
Catherine Specter defends premarital tweezing
Hurrah for Catherine Specter! This week's version of the PG column Cat's Call manages to avoid being racist or sexist. She even musters up a little “catty” rant that is mildly amusing if not actually funny. Otherwise, it was boring as can be. I guess that's the best we can expect. Note that this week Cat adroitly […]
Christian Gay Intolerance: Why Remain Silent?
In today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jane Little of Mt. Lebanon responds to the question of why the worldwide Christian community remain silent about the homophobic outrages in Nigeria which are endorsed by the Nigerian Anglican Church. (One response appeared last week.) Ms. Little writes ” Surely the bishop knows that the tension within church communities is […]