Posts by Sue:
Cat Specter: Good girls don’t challenge racism
I’m not a fan of Catherine Specter’s alleged advice column in the Post-Gazette. In fact, I’m secretly convinced she was planted by the Mellon-Scaife contingent to subtly shift PG readers back to “when men were men and girls were girls.” Her advice has mostly been ridiculous and demeaning. Today, however, she took herself to a […]
Anglican/Episcopal Church and Gay Injustice
In Sunday's Post-Gazette, I found this piece from John Bryson Chane who is Episcopal bishop of Washington. The Bishop questions the pastoral concern of the conservative wing of the Anglican church for the gay and lesbian community. Archbishop Peter J. Akinola, primate of the Church of Nigeria and leader of the conservative wing of the […]
Lesbian Pastor Not Guilty in Same Sex Marriage Trial
From comes this great news … (Santa Rosa, California) A longtime Presbyterian minister who was the first of her faith to be tried for officiating at the unions of gay couples was acquitted Friday of violating her denomination's position on same-sex marriage. A regional judicial commission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) ruled 6-1 that […]
Gay Bingo This Weekend in Pittsburgh
Saturday March 4, 2006 6:30 PM
The Boondocks: Gay is Okay? Could Granddad be a Metrosexual?
In the final strip from the recent gay cowboy thread, Aaron McGruder's Granddad comes to the startling revelation that he can appreciate gay-themed movies and music without turning gay himself! GASP! Click on strip to read it.
Boondocks Gay is Okay.gif
West Virginia Sheriff Refused to use CPR; Gay Man Dies Suit Alleges
Didn't we leave this behind in the 20th Century? According to a federal discrimination suit filed yesterday, Welch West Virginia Sheriff Robert K. Bowman physically prevented a bystander from performing CPR on Claude Green, Jr. who was suffering a heart atack. Green died at the hospital. Sheriff Bowman acted because he thought Green was HIV positive. […]
Pgh Native Presbyterian Minister on trial for gay weddings
In another example of homopersecution, the Presbyterian Church is at it again. This time, the Reverend Jane Spahr is facing a trial for conducting wedding for same sex couples in 2004 and 2005. Spahr is a native of Pittsburgh's Northside. Spahr choose to use the term wedding at the couples' request in order to honor […]
Pennsylvania Lesbian Delight: Jodie Foster to Speak at Penn
Unproclaimed lesbian idol Jodie Foster will be the commencement speaker for the University of Pennsylvania's Class of 2006. The university will bestow an Honorary Doctor of Arts degree upon Ms. Foster. My commencement speaker was the CEO of some chemical firm that had financial investments in apartheid South Africa. 🙁 Congratulations to the Penn lesbians! […]
Pittsburgh PG Gay Cowboy Quiz
The Post-Gazette's Scott Mervis faces down Brokeback Mountain's impending dominance of the Oscars … With a nod to “Brokeback Mountain,” the PG brings you its first-ever gay-cowboy 12-question movie quiz. Because, to no one's surprise, the genre doesn't run deep, our focus here is not on cowboy movies with gay people, but rather, with Oscar-related […]