Posts by Sue:
Pittsburgh's Gay Agenda
Tonight is the monthly meeting to plan and carry out Pittsburgh's Gay Agenda. 🙂 Voices for a New Tomorrow: a collaboration of LGBT organizations and individuals All are welcome! 4th Wednesdays monthly 6 pm – 8 pm FSWP East Liberty Offices Village of Eastside 6401 Penn Avenue, 2nd Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15206 voices @ ************************ […]
PA Legislators Hate Gays and Have the Amendment to Prove It
Does this look even remotely like YOUR family? Today, Pennsylvania legislators unveiled their plan to destroy the families of 20,000 gay and 250,000 heterosexual families. The heterosexual families, unmarried per the 2000 Census, are the innocent victims in the homo-haters all out war on Pennsylvania's gay families. Rep Scott W. Boyd, R-Lancaster County and Daryl Metcalfe, […]
Cleveland LGBT Center Reached Out to Homeless LGBT Youth
From, Cleveland's LGBT Community Center is partnering with Cuyahoga County to determine how many homeless LGBT youth there are between the ages of 14 and 24. The study is the first major look at gay homelessness in more than a decade, when one study suggested that almost a third of the homeless in big […]
Steelers and Lesbians
In my family, I am a freak. Not for the obvious reason. No, the fact that my girlfriend loves football almost compensates for the whole homo thing. Because I don't really watch it. I tune in once in awhile. I know the tune to “Here we go” and I have vivid memories of lunchroom pep […]
Homo-Good News
The other night some of my homo-friends were griping that the only “news” on LGBT issues is bad news … discrimination, hatred, conversions, proof that Melissa Hart is gay, etc, etc, etc. So for all my “glass is half empty” readers …. here is some good news. Note: the good is one small nugget in a very […]
Pgh and Gay Movies
Brokeback Mountain came to town two weeks ago and opened in two (2) theatres — Loews at the Waterfront and The Manor in Squirrel Hill. That's it. Fast forward and there are homo curious moviegoeers lined up all over this town. It is playing in NINE theaters. Hmmm …. Another point of interest … I […]
Correspondent Screw Up
Last night I accidentally deleted one of my entries. An entry I thought was witty and insightful. Something that might entertain the random people who visit this site. As I watched my words vanish forever from this earth, a curtain of despair enclosed me. I turned off the PC and went downstairs to sulk in […]
Trib Columnist Condemns Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment
I missed this last week. The Trib's Dimitri Vassilaros opined against the PA legislative attempt to constitutionalize hate and discrimination. Whenever a judge or legislative body in a state say that homosexuals have the same marriage rights as heterosexuals, it promotes more marriage. Denying gays and lesbians that right is anything but protecting marriage — it's […]
CP's Marty Levine on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment
In the latest City Paper, intrepid homofan Marty Levine takes a brief look at the latest political maneuvers in Harrisburg where homohaters have launched another drive to constitutionalize discrimination. It boils down to this But as with all debates about gay rights, the issue seems to boil down to conservative fears about the sexuality of […]
Gay Republicans and Santorum Spokesfag
Homos for Santorum! per the City Paper's rant feature. You tell 'em Ron Pedersen Jr of North Versailles, PA The biggest traitor of them all is Santorum Apologist and Spokesman, Robert Traynham an openly gay man who also happens to be African-American. Pay attention because this is what Mr. Traynham has to say about being a […]