Posts by Sue:
Rene Portland – Gay Protest … AGAIN
Big Gay Picture has a little update on anti-Rene Portland protests at Penn State women's basketball games … Here's a quote from Rene Portland that sums up the entire situation (and she is oblivious to the irony) “Can we just talk about basketball? You guys have tried for six goddamn months, excuse my language,” Portland […]
More Boondocks on Willie Nelson Gay Cowboy Song
This is especially funny. One of the good things about Aaron McGruder's satire is not having to add much in the way of commentary. Click on the cartoon to read the strip.
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Pittsburgh: More Gay Friendly than Manhattan?
The PG is all queered up this week …. L.A. Johnson takes a look at a recent New York Times piece lauding Pittsburgh as more gay friendly than Manhattan. The NYT author cites our thriving arts scene, affordable housing and high-profile LGBT events. Several local LGBT leaders weigh in with some skepticism that we are […]
Gay Marriage is Good Mental Health
Another story from today's Post-Gazette According to a policy paper from the National Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University,denying us marraige can lead to mental health problems. Well, duh! The stress of being a second class citizen will do that you. Having to rush to your partner's hospital bedside while realizing you left […]
Local Law Firm Specializes in Gay Services
Monday's Post-Gazette featured Buchanan Ingersoll PC's Nontraditional Couples and Families practice group which specializes in LGBT legal work. [Maureen] Cohon, the wife of Carnegie Mellon University President Jared Cohon, said her firm's nontraditional couples practice began quietly when a friend in a gay relationship asked her about guardianship for a child and drafting a will. After […]
Boondocks Shout Out to Willie Nelson
The songwriter of Willie Nelson's “gay cowboy” song was on NPR's What Do You Know this weekend. He's was wryly funny discussing how this song emerged from the Urban Cowboy phase of the early 80's. He also pointed out that Brokeback Mountain is about sheepherders, not cowboys. LOL. So I was waiting for Aaron MacGruder […]
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Lesbians and Seven Springs Don't Mix
Last night, your intrepid correspondent headed out the turnpike to Seven Springs (aka the middle of friggin nowhere) for an evening of laughter and yuks at a charity fundraiser for the Pittsburgh Foodbank. Our goal was to see KDKA talk host and friend-of-the-lesbians John McIntire as well as a bunch of other funny people of […]