Posts by Sue:
The Boondocks on Gay Marriage
I am a regular read of The Boondocks strip in the PG, but I must confess that I am often confounded. I get the feeling that I'm definitely not “in” on the real humorous element and/or the real spin on the issue. But I suppose that is how any white middle class lesbian would […]
Check out Pgh's Queer Cabaret – K'Vetch
> K'Vetch is home from the holidays…. and more lovely local and> talented than ever.>> Two features below followed by an open-mic…. Thursday January 26, 2006 at 8:00 p.m. $5/Free for writers Modernformations 4919 Penn AveWHO''S PERFORMING!?!?!?!>> Sensual lyrics of life and love connect the audience to Gina Marie Mignogna's poetry. An honest response to a […]
PG Review of Brokeback Mountain
From today's paper. My favorite lines Having seen “Brokeback Mountain,” I can promise you two things: It's not a social contagion planted on the screen to infect America's youth, and the water-cooler comics who've been making all those gay-cowboy jokes without seeing the film are going to look really stupid on Monday morning.
LGBT Town Meeting on January 18: Marriage Amendment
Received this today from Steel City Stonewall Democrats —– Original Message —– From: Steel City Stonewall Democrats Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:51 PM Subject: Town Meeting: PA Constitutional Amendment An amendment to the PA constitution has been proposed that would both limit marriage to one man and one woman and deny all unmarried […]
What does Rick "Frothy" Santorum think?
Gary at American Agenda is not happy about the latest attempt to constitutionalize homophobia in Pennsylvania. (I love the Frothy reference) Go here to sign the petition to stop the anti-gay marriage amendment.
City Paper Review of Brokeback Mountain
There is nothing to add. The movie opens Friday at Loews and The Manor theaters. From the City Paper Brokeback Mountain Speaking Its Name Writer: HARRY KLOMAN Brokeback Mountain is based on Annie Proulx’s 1997 short story about two cowboys in love, and it’s not an easy work to translate. Literature never is, especially a […]
How Many Costas are there?
Can ANYONE tell me exactly how many Costas roam these hills? Every time I turn around, I see reference to yet another Costa kin either holding some obscure office or being appointed to something. Guy Costa should just be hired by KDKA since he gets almost as much airtime as pretty boy Jeff Verszyla. Given […]
More on Utah GLBT Boycott
It took a bit of poking around, but I found this call to action to boycott Larry H. Miller. Let the gay wrath unfold …
Gene Shalit apologizes for gay predator comment
Today's Gene Shalit has apologized for his inflammatory review of Brokeback Mountain. Shalit's statement: In reviewing the fictional movie “Brokeback Mountain”, I expressed my opinion of “Jack”, one of the fictional characters. It is my responsibility to my audience to present my views of the film and the actions of the film's fictional characters. My […]
Utah Gays Call Boycott Over 'Brokeback Mountain' Ban
More from …. the Utah Gays calling for boycott over Brokeback Mountain. I'm not exactly what this means other than not going to the theatre that isn't showing the movie you want to see anyway. More later. Sue