Posts by Sue:
Donate Your Nativity Set To Protect Trans Kids
Earlier, I wrote a post about my non-traditional holiday decorations, including my Nativity scene focused on protecting trans kids. I was asked to create a clarion call to share specifics. If you have a new or gently used Nativity scenes, complete or partial, please consider donating it to my ongoing outdoor Nativity. My intent is […]
Holiday Ditty: Try not to be a c*nt, it’s Christmas
This Fascinating Aïda Christmas song is making the rounds on social media. I share it every time it comes across my feed. Then I thought to myself, self – why not preserve this humor in your pantheon of Winter Holiday blog posts. It’s essentially Spice Girls meets Henry VIII’s six wives. [All]Christmas comes but once […]
Here’s My Holiday Things to Do in Pittsburgh 2024 Edition
The Winter Holidays are here along with an array of festive events. Tell us what else we should add! Lights Nov 30- Dec 25, 6:30pm – 9:00pm Free Holiday Light Drive Thru, Alameda Park, Butler County December 1 – January 2 Holiday Lights Drive Thru, North Strabane Park December 7 -January 7 Moon Holiday Lights […]
She Donated Cat Dental Treats for Each Colony Caretaker
Amy has been my friend since at least 1974 when we both started kindergarten. She shared her home with a cat, a dog, and a granddog on occasion. She saw my post about the holiday pet food drive and responded. Her donation included a bag of dental treats for each of our households. What a […]
Donate Your Nativity and Holiday Decorations to Make a Statement
In 2022, I decided to create a Nativity Scene also known as a créche in front of my home. The objective was to raise awareness of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities projects. People stopped. Back up a bit to 2019. My friend Sarah gifted me with a large plastic Jesus, Mary, and Joseph outdoor set. She had […]
What I Learned From a Month of Daily Blogging
It has been several years since I participated in National Blog Post Month or NaBloPoMo. I published a post every day during November this year. Particularly challenging this November as I navigated a fine line between disengagement and sanity. Sanity did not always prevail. Several posts were deep dives inward, exploring my traumas and a […]
Gertie Goes to the Garage
On Tuesday, Gertie refused to start. For first time readers, Gertie aka St. Gertrude is the Land Rover Defender a friend lent me. Because he could. On Wednesday, I called AAA. My service provider Josh was absolutely thrilled to see the “coolest vehicle I’ve ever serviced.” Sadly, Josh was unable to get her started and […]
Donor Offers $2k to Save #ProtectTransKids if We Can Raise the Other $8k.
Earlier this week, I wrote about plans to close the #ProtectTransKids project due to a lack of funding. Since then, one person whom I do not know IRL offered to make some calls as he put it. Today, a woman reached out offering $2000 or 20% of the $10k we need if I can find […]
Call me anytime, on the line
My voicemail can handle about three messages before it is full. I am frequently being told “Your inbox is full” or “Delete some messages” or some such advice. I try hard to stay on top of the three spam messages that inevitably fill those slots, but I’m only human. The rest of the voicemail slots? […]
24 Lesbian Thanksgivings
I had a delicious turkey dinner from Bistro-to-Go for lunch, planned holiday decorations for the Fort Faulsey colony, and have my blueberry muffins ready to go for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I finally put flannel sheets on my bed. All in all, a good Thanksgiving Eve. For my #NaBloPoMo contribution, I pulled together a […]