Posts by Sue:
Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me: Part Three
I stood on the scale looking at the large digital numbers as the nurse took my blood pressure. I have lost 33+ pounds since May. This wasn’t entirely news to me as I’ve been using an analog scale at home and notice my clothes falling off me and all of those other observations. But now […]
How to Request Toys for Tots in Western Pennsylvania in 2021
This is our annual (9+ year) round-up of Toys for Tots programs in Western Pennsylvania for 2021. I’ve done my best to sort through the available information and provide you what you may need to know. PLEASE click through to the applicable link to doublecheck the details. I will update as information becomes available. Some […]
A new report from The Victory Fund and updates from GLAAD reveal that Pennsylvania is leading the nation in terms fo the number of elected LGBTQ officials and current candidates. I’m a little tired so I’m going to share the press release. Note that Pennsylvania has 26 out LGBTQ candidates in the 2021 elections, third […]
Announcing Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC), a 501c3 corporation
I am very pleased that I now share my birthday of October 22 with a brand new project, Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) which was registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today. The mission is to raise community awareness and promote grassroots engagement for neighborhood quality of life, animal welfare, anti-poverty and LGBTQ+ issues in Western […]
On Day 592 of the Pandemic, I Turn 51 Years Old
First, let me thank the lovely people who have sent good wishes and gifts for the cats. It makes my heart swell. I have two winter cat shelters to be assembled and some funds chipping in to buy a sturdy feeding station for the colony. Another friend sent batteries that are literally keeping the lights […]
City of Pittsburgh Commission on LGBTQIA+ Affairs honors LGBTQ History Month
The City of Pittsburgh Commission on LGBTQIA+ Affairs honors LGBTQ History Month thisOctober. We know that groundbreaking moments, big and small, have shaped the evolution ofour community since long before colonizers arrived on these waters and lands. The history ofour community is deeply intertwined with the histories of Indigenous, Black, and BrownLGBTQ peoples and we […]
Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me: Part Two
A few months ago, I posted about my struggle with dysmotility, basically a disorder where food does not move through the digestive system appropriately. At the time, we thought it was my stomach. That proved untrue – my stomach is fine. Turns out it is my esophagus, specifically the lower third that due to nerve […]
Congratulations Admiral Levine. And thank you for your service
From the NYT and BBC Dr Rachel Levine, the US assistant secretary for health, has been sworn in as the first transgender four-star officer in the country’s history. The 63-year-old is now an admiral of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Dr Levine, appointed by President Joe Biden, is already the highest-ranking openly transgender […]
Let the record show that I spoke up for Susan Kerr and said that what she endured was not okay
Content note: trauma, child abuse, generational dysfunction, childhood sexual violence So I’m not attaching or bonding with my parents, I’m developing a ridiculously unhealthy dependency on a horrific abuser. And no one talks about any of this because they don’t have the skills to do so. Welcome to 1972. “How much do you love me?” […]
20-year-old Latina Trans Woman Murdered in August in Seattle
Her name was Zoella Rose Martinez, she also went by Zo Zo or Zoey. She was 20-years-old. Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, she was a Latina trans woman who had her whole life before her. And while her death was not reported at the time, her family confirmed her identity recently to a local […]
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