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View Article  Family Tidings

This morning we became aunties for the first time.  Laura's brother and his wife had a beautiful baby girl - Ava Grace.  We spent some time with them last night before they left for the hospital and were there this morning to welcome Ava to the world.  Well, Laura was there first as I was taking care of Ava's feline siblings on my way to the hospital.  I just got a glimpse of her for a few moments but my heart is swelling with simple joy.

Being included in these moments like any other spouse would be and knowing Ava will grow up acclimated to having two aunties is incredible.  I can't get the smile off my face. 

Our bragging tonight at a LGBT social gathering led to an interesting discussion on LGBT parenting, adoption and foster care.  It is disheartening how many extra hoops we have to deal with while heterosexual couples blissfully muddle along. 

View Article  KDKA - Pintek Out, McIntire In?

Found this during my morning peruse of the Post-Gazette ...

Three of KDKA Radio's primary on-air hosts -- Mike Pintek, Paul Alexander and Mike Romigh -- have been let go in a staff shake-up.


One possibility for the 8 p.m. to midnight shift previously held by Mr. Romigh is John McIntire. Mr. Clark said that if Mr. McIntire, who hosts a weekly Saturday night show on KDKA, was interested in the slot, "we would consider him, but no final decision has been made."

Hallelujah.  Adding another powerhouse liberal voice to the mainstream airwaves is a good thing for Pittsburgh.  And a great thing for liberals. 

History:  Back in 2004, I launched an unsuccessful petition drive to get John on the air on WPTT 1360 during a reshuffling of their lineup.  They ended up airing the syndicated Thom Hartmann show (which I enjoy despite my disappointment). 

But ... the bond I forged with John McIntire over endless discussions of lesbian derring do - both on air and off - overcame this setback and I was pleased that he landed at KDKA.  Plus, he brought his unofficial lesbian correspondent along. 

But a 5 night a week gig ... wow.  Totally has nothing to do with my little petition drive on a competing station but I'm thrilled. 


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