Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  Steelers and Lesbians

In my family, I am a freak.  Not for the obvious reason.  No, the fact that my girlfriend loves football almost compensates for the whole homo thing.  Because I don't really watch it.  I tune in once in awhile.  I know the tune to "Here we go" and I have vivid memories of lunchroom pep rallies during the Superbowl era of the Iron Curtain.  (see I know that reference!)  But I barely know the name of the quarterback.

In fact, one evening we were dining at PF Changs and in comes Ben with some other large hulking type guys.  They sat in a corner and the buzz around the room clued me into the fact that it was someone important.  My GF was scandalized that I didn't recognize Big Ben.  I was more fascinated by my Kung Pao Chicken frankly.  But once I saw Mario Lemieux at Tambellini's.  That was kind of cool. 

Anyway ... here we go ....

But I did something altruistic today and asked my boss to let us have a tailgate party on Feb 3.  Not only did he agree, but he is willing to give a prize to the staff member with the most Steeler spirit.

Now I guess I have to go buy a Steeler's shirt or hat or something.


View Article  Homo-Good News

The other night some of my homo-friends were griping that the only "news" on LGBT issues is bad news ... discrimination, hatred, conversions, proof that Melissa Hart is gay, etc, etc, etc. 

So for all my "glass is half empty" readers .... here is some good news.  Note:  the good is one small nugget in a very sad story.  But its the best I can do without crowing once again about Brokeback Mountain.

The freeholders (fancy term for mighty whites with name plates) have reversed themselves and extended pension benefits to Stacie Andree, the partner of Lieutenant Laurel Hester.  Sadly, Laurel is dying of cancer.  She is a retired NJ detective who dedicated 24 years to her career.  But the freeholders originally said NO.  A hue and cry ensued resulting in not only the reversal for Laurel and Stacie, but statewide calls for reform to pension and death benefits throughout New Jersey.  Click here for The Big Gay Picture's history on this situation.

Hurrah for Laurel and Stacie to achive this win in the midst of a terrible loss.  And hurrah for all the homo-lovers in NJ who are working diligently to prevent this sort of injustice from ruining other lives.


View Article  Pgh and Gay Movies

Brokeback Mountain came to town two weeks ago and opened in two (2) theatres -- Loews at the Waterfront and The Manor in Squirrel Hill.  That's it.

Fast forward and there are homo curious moviegoeers lined up all over this town.  It is playing in NINE theaters.  Hmmm ....

Another point of interest ... I have not seen a single Letter to Editor about this movie in any local paper.  Unusual, no?  There's a whole cadre of homohaters who seem to live for penning nasty missives condemning anything gay related to the fiery pit of hell.  But nada on this movie. 

What's that about?

One final very important point -- Transamerica opens this weekend here in our fair city.   

Synopsis: A preoperative male-to-female transsexual travels to New York when she discovers she may have fathered a son who is currently in prison. A misunderstanding finds her son believing she is a Christian missionary, and the two travel to Los Angeles together where they begin to build a relationship.

Felicity Huffman took home the Golden Globe for Best Actress for her role in this movie.  The critics love her in this role and I am very excited to see a transsexual character generate so much positive buzz. 

Now we need a mainstream movie where the lesbian is not a murderer or a sidekick. 



View Article  Correspondent Screw Up

Last night I accidentally deleted one of my entries.  An entry I thought was witty and insightful.  Something that might entertain the random people who visit this site.  As I watched my words vanish forever from this earth, a curtain of despair enclosed me.  I turned off the PC and went downstairs to sulk in front of the television set. 

I'm sure it was inevitable.  People make mistakes.  Lately I've handled some big screw ups with aplomb far beyond my known capacity.  My partner and my therapist have commented upon it.  So perhaps the universe rights itself by knocking me to my knees with a small, swift kick. 

By the time I pulled my oatmeal out of the microwave this morning, I was over it.  So much for introspection. 


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