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View Article  ACT UP!


 > Jerry Falwell.
 > Tony Perkins from the Family Research Council.
 > James Dobson from Focus on the Family.
 > Rick Santorum.
 > All coming to Philadelphia on Jan 8 to rally on "Justice Sunday" to pack the Supreme Court with right wing extremist judges.
 > This event will be telecast live across the country.
 > Happy New Year, everybody.
 > "Justice" is the right to health care and effective HIV prevention, reproductive freedom, and freedom from homophobia and bigotry --not fundamentalist extremism from the extreme right wing.
 > Join ACT UP Philadelphia, people of faith, people of conscience, women's health groups and other friends in Philadelphia on Sunday January 8, 2006 to protest  "Justice Sunday III"-- a national rally for religious extremist groups who are fighting for a judiciary that is as reactionary as they are.
 > Join us outside the Greater Exodus Baptist Church, at
 > 714 North Broad Street, Philadelphia at 6:30 pm for a spirited rally and protest

"Justice Sunday III" comes just one day before the Senate Judiciary Committee opens hearings for Supreme Court Justice Nominee Samuel Alito.
 > "Justice Sunday III" will include notorious fixtures of the
 > radical right, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council,
 > Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, and Jerry
 > Falwell along with Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.
 > These right wing religious groups exert extraordinarily powerful influence over White House policies on HIV prevention, global AIDS, science, sex education and public health.
 > For more information please call ACT UP Philadelphia at (215) 386-1981 or Jose DeMarco at (215) 756-4756.
 > ----------------------------------
 > P.S. You could also write some good letters to the editors of your local newspapers telling them that you want fair judges & don't agree with the viewpoints of the radical right.

View Article  Justice Sunday

Here's a take on Justice Sunday from the winner of the Best LGBT Blog ...Pam's House Blend

As you ...   more »

View Article  From Dallas Voice - Mary Cheney and 2006

Read an amusing take from General Gayety columnist Leslie Robinson.

Here's my favorite

Mary Cheney: ?I resolve to hold my ...   more »

View Article  NYC Lesbian Becomes City Council Speaker

This GOOD news from 365gay.com  

New York City) Christine Quinn has earned a double distinction, becoming the first woman and ...   more »

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