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View Article  America helps the white Katrina survivors ....

Caught this little tidbit in Newsweek

Katrina?Welcome: 'White Couple'


Jan. 9, 2006 issue - As Katrina evacuees scrambled to ...   more »

View Article  AFA at it again: NBC's Book of Daniel LGBT connections

This from 365gay.com

(Terre Haute, Indiana) NBC affiliate WTWO has become the first station to announce that it will not carry the program "The Book of Daniel" following pressure from the American Family Association.


The American Family Association has been calling for its members to complain to NBC affiliates about the show which features one of primetime's few openly gay male characters, has a lesbian supporting character and is written by a gay screenwriter. The series is planned to debut January 6 at 9:00 pm E/P time.


Earlier this week the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation called on its members to show support for the series which already has garnered good reviews. GLAAD is asking people to call the network and their affiliate stations and say they are looking forward to watching the series.

Here's how to contact Pittsburgh's WPXI  I just left a message on the programming director's voice mail. 

I've been mulling over watching this show because I really enjoyed Joan of Arcadia. Frankly, my interest had little to do with the gay character and much more to do with the overall premis. AFA's objections pretty much guarantee that I will be planted in front of my television tomorrow night. 

The AFA keeps slinging mud at LGBT allies, but recent history clearly indicates that we are not a market to be ignored. 

Interesting that this show debutes on Justice Sunday III weekend?


View Article  Not a good time to be a woman at Penn State ...

The women at Penn State aren't fairing well in the hands of the current Administration.  Women basketball players have been enduring the homophobic tyranny of Rene Portland for years. 

and this from today's Post-Gazette ...

The only sour note is that JoePa appears not to have understood the seriousness of a sex assault charge made against a Florida State athlete. Mr. Paterno's comment Monday was unfortunate. He said the player "may not even have known what he was getting into. ... A cute little girl knocks on the door. What do you do? Geez ... thank God, they don't knock on my door."

While Coach deserves to bask in how his players performed on the gridiron, he should spend the off-season thinking about how athletes should conduct themselves off the field.

UNFORTUNATE?  Because he's from a different generation?  Because he's a beloved sports icon?  Because his team won?

His comments are not unfortunate.  His underlying beliefs are unfortunate. 

So boys will be boys and stay away from the filthy dykes.  How very 20th century.


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