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View Article  Libertarian Former Marine Reads Correspondent!

It was bound to happen I suppose, but geez it was cool.  A friend of mine, libertarian in his views but openminded in his practices, mentioned that he stumbled across my blog while wasting his precious personal time on the Internet. 

I was all smiles.

Then he asked me if I've had any other visitors :-(

I guess now I'll find out ...

Sue ... one very tired and fluish lesbian ....

View Article  John McIntire and KDKA: Lesbian Correspondent Appearance Tonight

Must to the delight of all my fans (Hi Mom), I'll be joining John McIntire tonight for a tete-a-tete during the 11 PM hour on KDKA. We'll be discussing gay cowboys, Gene Shallit, the AFA and, of course, lesbians. 

Very exciting stuff.  For all you McIntire fans, he'll be guest hosting in the 9 -12 slot all week. 

Call in!

Go see Brokeback Mountain on Friday!


View Article  Ricky and Friends: "Don't Fool With the Church"

Yesterday, Rick and his hate-mongerer-in-Christian-clothing buddies spewed the typical claptrap at Justice Sunday III

Mr. Santorum said "extreme liberal judges" are "destroying traditional morality and creating a new moral code."

"The Supreme Court has become the supreme branch of the government imposing its unrestrained will on all of the people," Mr. Santorum said. "The only way to restore this Republic our founders envisioned is to elevate honorable jurists like Samuel Alito who will help replace the hubris of this court with humility and respect for the common sense of the American people."

I thought the Supreme Court is supposed to respect the US CONSTITUTION.

Rick -- was it humble to steal taxpayer monies to pay for your children's education?  was it respectful to lie about the occupants of your Penn Hills residence?

And here come the threats ...

The Rev. Herbert H. Lusk, who leads Greater Exodus, railed against gay marriage, abortion and what he termed as Christian-bashing, and warned that those who trifle with "people of god" will face consequences.

"Don't fool with the church," said Rev. Lusk, "because the church has buried many a critic, and all the critics we have not buried we're making funeral arrangements for."

Can you just hear the rumbling background to the "Its not nice to fool with mother nature" commercials? 

I wonder if the funeral will be in consecrated or unconsecrated ground?

But back to Rick ... seriously, did he think that this would redeem his fundie-whacko street cred?  Bash a few homos, pray with Jerry Fallwell and what ... your flip-flop on Intelligent Design is forgotten? 

How much respect is he showing for the common sense of American Christians? 


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