Trib Reader -- Why I Vote "Straight" Republican
on Wed 01 Nov 2006 07:06 AM EST
With all the Bush (Republican) bashing going on, here are the top 10 reasons to never vote Democrat:
10 -- Complete amnesty for illegals
9 -- Full Social Security for illegals
I hate the term "illegals" The Republicans have done an excellent job with that one -- it makes my skin crawl to hear fellow human beings dehumanized so succintly. I did, however, hear that the Democrats were going to give everyone who came to this country illegally a new car, a home in an affluent white suburb and admission for their kids to the preppy school of their choice. Howard Hanna is going to start printing signs in two languages!
8 -- Undo Bush's tax cuts
7 -- Tax increases
Well, gotta pay for all those new immigration perks somehow ....
6 -- Abortion on demand
There's talk of opening satellite Planned Parenthood clinics in all the public schools. To save time.
5 -- Equal rights for all, including murderers, rapists and pornographers
And poor people, people of color, women, homosexuals, persons with disabilities, formerly incarcerated persons, homeless persons, etc, etc, etc ...
4-- Remove all mention of God in public buildings
This rankis higher than illegals and rapists? Huh. Anyway, Democrats wil probably make Christianity illegal to keep it from interfering from the baby killing.
3 -- Promote gay/lesbian marriage
We're number 3! We're number 3! Gay marriage is higher up on the Democrat agenda than immigration, choice, God, even taxes!
2 -- Kinder treatment of terrorists
Care packages and extra socks?
1 -- Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House.
Oh, scariest of all .... women in power. Liberal women! Ohhhhhhhh ......
Art Olszewski
Mt. Lebanon
Mr. Olszewski, only the fact that it is my mother's 64th birthday today keeps me from giving you a lesbian tongue lashing and not the good kind you fantasize about late at night when your stodgy Republican moralist facade comes off and you become the actual vulnerable human being. Or maybe you don't. Your little thrust and parry won't do a damn thing to convince a reasonable person to vote for Ricky, Missy or any of their ilk.
Nice try.