Thursday, March 9
on Thu 09 Mar 2006 03:19 PM EST
Tune into the John McIntire show tonight on KDKA when John interviews local
Presbyterian minister Janet Edwards. They'll be discussing the Presbyterian Church response to Edwards' performing a wedding for two women this past summer. 8 PM on KDKA. Sue
on Thu 09 Mar 2006 10:46 AM EST
The NFL says his sexual orientation and health status have nothing to do with it. Uh huh. Simmons, who played for the Giants from 1979-81 and Redskins in 1983, disclosed that he is gay in 1992. He was the first former NFL player to come out as HIV positive 10 years later. He now works as a supervisor at a halfway house in Long Island.
on Thu 09 Mar 2006 10:27 AM EST
From the Center for Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights
The Value All Families Coalition is sponsoring buses from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and the Lehigh Valley for the March 14th Anti-Amendment rally in Harrisburg. If you are interested in taking a bus from: Philadelphia contact the Center at 215-731-1447 ext. 10 or c4crinfo@center4civilrights.org; Pittsburgh contact Dana at 412-858-3057 or equalitynow@msn.com; or the Lehigh Valley contact PA-GALA at 610-863-4961 or smblack@epix.net. The following organizations are sponsoring the buses: Human Rights Campaign, Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, Philadelphia Family Pride, Mountain Meadow, PA-GALA, GLOW at PP&L, MCC of the Lehigh Valley and Lehigh Valley PFLAG, among others.
on Thu 09 Mar 2006 10:07 AM EST
"Marriage is a sacred union of two people who are committed to each other, without regard to gender," Janet Edwards said. "I do not feel I have done anything wrong. On the contrary, I felt I was holding up the vows of my ordination." This is an excellent article about a local Presbyterian minister facing scrutiny for performing a wedding for two women. I was honored to be a guest at this wedding. Perhaps it is the latent Catholic in me, but the wedding was sacramental and reverential and real. It was important to me in at least a million ways. Again, I am not particularly artful today. I hope you'll read the article in the Trib and tune in to John McIntire's upcoming interview with Janet Edwards on KDKA. Sue
on Thu 09 Mar 2006 09:46 AM EST
From Wednesday's Post-Gazette, this response from the Rev. Luke Mbefo, C.S.Sp., associate professor in the Theology Department at Duquesne University to Sunday's Forum "A Gospel of Intolerance" I'm having a rather unpleasant day so I'll refrain from too much editorializing. Reverend Mbefo seems to believe that Africans' worldview of the ordering of society (divinely ordered) prohibits them from accepting homosexuality. He's much more artful in his article. While I respect and honor Reverend Mbefo's intent to portray Africans as active defenders of classical values rather than passive "consumer" of foreign ideals, I cannot help but wonder how African women feel about these same classic family values. Its the same family value crap over and over again. God's will, the order of society, etc, etc, etc. None of it justifies the Anglican Archbishop openly supporting attempts to criminalize homosexuals. His moral obligation is to treat all of us with love and human dignity. This legislation is so far from any pretense of love or dignity that he appears to be doing Catholic Vatican retro "I am holy man" paraodies rather than leading his church. I warned you I wasn't up to it today. |