Pittsburgh's LGBTQ Blog ... out'n proud in the Burghosphere.

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View Article  Lesbian Bloggers Denied Access to National Stonewall Democrats Conference

The Stonewall Democrats 2006 National Conference will take place right here in Pittsburgh this coming weekend, June 2-4.  Howard Dean will be the keynote speaker with Governor Rendell making an appearance on the last day of the conference.

But you won't read about it here.

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents applied for press credentials to cover the conference.  As the region's largest LGBT blog, we believe that covering THE national gay democrat conference in Rick Santorum's hometown would be relevant to our focus.  And that the rest of the LGBT community might want our perspective, especially given Howard Dean's recent headlines on a variety of gay issues.

Apparently, we were wrong.  Because the local chapter hosting the event, the Steel-City Stonewall Democrats. has decided that bloggers will not receive press credentials. 

This in spite of the fact that both parties issued press credentials to bloggers for the 2004 National Conventions. 

I was still invited to attend the conference as a paid attendee. 

DISCLAIMER:  Sue is a former board member of the Steel City Stonewall Democrats chapter.  She resigned this past fall along with most of the Executive Board (before launching this blog).  Thus, she is somewhat biased on this issue. 

View Article  African-American Lesbian Blogger sets the bar high for gay blogs

Pam's House Blend is one of my daily absolute must-reads.  Her take on all things anti-gay, anti-black and anti-woman is smart, insightful and devastating.  I've borrowed her phrase "wingnuts" here and linked to her site more frequently that just about any other except the Post-Gazette. 

The Washington Blade offers up a feisty look at what makes the House Blend tick and what ticks her off.   She's labeled "the most important lesbian blogger in America" and attracts 3,000 unique visitors a day. As an African-American lesbian, her voice is especially unique and a necessary part of the contemporary gay experience.

Given the dearth of LGBT women's voices in the blogosphere (both among gay blogs and feminist blogs), Pam's House Blend sets the bar high for the rest of us.  And I prefer it that way.

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