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View Article  Big Queer Rally Deemed Success.

Chalk one up for mainstream media as our very own Chris Potter stood in the freezing cold for several hours to film today's "Big Queer Rally" and then raced back to his office to be the first out of the gate in reporting on this event.

Me?  I went to Squirrel Hill and ate sushi.  What can I say?  I was rather cold.  And hungry.

I did post some photos to Facebook earlier that afternoon.  Ha.

The event?  Oh, it was great. I'll need to sleep on it since I have the luxury of being in second place.  I did not see other bloggers there so I think I'll have a few hours to compose my thoughts.  I suspect Gab and John might chime in on Monday. 

It can be sort of boiled down to this.  We counted about 125 people in attendance.  It was cold.  14 speakers addressed the crowd in less than 120 minutes.  Gab Bonesso is amazing.  WTAE and the Post-Gazette showed up along with folks from various alternative media outlets.  Important stuff was said.  The founder of Pittsburgh's Dykes on Bikes chapter, Miranda Vey, was the emotional heart of the event. 

It was a pretty inspirational, if ridiculously cold, afternoon.  Go read Potter. 

View Article  The Rally Dawns ...
The rally is still on, kids, weather be damned.  I'm sipping coffee and planning how many layers I need to wear while I figure out my morning schedule.  See you there! 
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