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Saturday 10 

Snow Shower
Snow Shower
Precip:   40%
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Snow showers. Highs in the low 30s and lows in the low 20s.
View Article  Big-Queer-Rally

It has been a tumultuous week here at Lesbian Central.  Backstage drama, frontpage drama, workplace drama and I think I burned the back of my throat swallowing thai tea to be polite while waiting for my takeout. 

The ordinance is losing steam, my friends.  We lost another co-sponsor, Bob Macy from my hometown area of West Mifflin.  No word on why he withdrew his sponsorship, but this is really personal now.  I could actually show Councilman Macy the dents in the lockers at West Mifflin High School where the gay kids were shoved on a regular basis.  I can take him on a walk through the Waterfront and recreate the night we were harassed by a group of young men.  I could take him to my parent's living room (a house financed by the credit union where he works) and have a man with 40 years in the mills, many Republican votes and a regular attendence at Mass explain why his daughter's partner is part of the family.  I could do all of this. 

What can you do?

Well, I hope you are still planning to come out on Saturday for the Big Queer Rally.  Emcee Gab Bonesso is working on some great stuff for you.  Speakers and guests now include State Representative Chelsa Wagner, City Council President Doug Shields, City Councilmen Bruce Kraus and Bill Peduto, City Controller Michael Lamb, and the sponsor of the County ordiance, Councilwoman Amanda Green.   Unconfirmed possibilities include US Congressman Mike Doyle and State Representative Dan Frankel. 

Even more cool than our awesome elected allies.  Reverend Janet Edwards.  You may have read a thing about her on this blog.  Political pundit John McIntire.  He likes gay people.  Reverend Deryck Tines.  Had an exhibit about drag queens.  Sandra Telep.  Did you know the AFL-CIO has a whole gay thing going on?  And a few words from leaders of local groups that you need to know about, including Steel City Stonewall Democrats. 

We might have some entertainment from the Renaissance City Choir and/or a local singersongwriter.  There is a strong possibility of FREE coffee donated by Starbucks.  Plus, we've got a contingent of every day folks who volunteered their entire Saturday afternoon to make this event a big advocacy success. 

What we need is you.  Join this impact so we can get mobilized to tackle the damn ordinance.  I know it is probably going to be cold.  So its Pittsburgh.  Wear layers.  We aren't on the river.  We are surrounded by tall buildings.  And there will be a tent with a heater if your toes get too cold.  Diane Gramley will be sitting at home, sending telepathic messages to her minions to pick up the phone on Monday and chip away at this ordinance. 

We don't have that luxury.  On top of everything else, Ms. Gramley gets to wave a frontpage Post-Gazette story involving sex, drugs, death and allegations of "pay for play" as proof positive that we are the hedonistic, sex fiends she so often describes in her diatribes.  Great.  It doesn't even matter to her if it is true.  She is gonna use it to her advantage.

So, we need you to show up on Saturday.  It is really important that you come in from the suburbs, find a place to park in Oakland and bring your family to this event so we have ample evidence that Gramley is wrong about our community.  We need to generate the kind of media interest that lands us on the front page in Sunday's Post-Gazette in a positive story.  A photo of hundreds of gay families and individuals braving a cold winter's day because they --- YOU --- believe that we deserve equality.  We need people to come home from church and make the connection between what they profess to believe and our lives when they read a quote from Reverend Edwards.  We need the labor movement to recognize that yeah, it is worth a phone call to a former steelworker (Councilman Macy) to remind him that a fair workplace is good for the economy. 

The thing is ... what can I say to convince you to come out? 

How about this.  Today, my blog generated more visits than ever.  Today, I counted more than 30 comments posted on various threads which is pretty big for me.  A lot of those were voyeurs, sure, but a lot were new to this blog and they poked around more than a usual visitor.  They looked at photos and read old stories and it really became about more than the "big scandal' that drew them here.  It was kind of like they were getting to know our community through this one small prism.

So, you have an opportunity to help them get better acquainted with our community.  There will be laughter and solemn moments.  There might be a soap box.  We might recruit some people. 

In the end, there will be you.  Please. Join the impact. 

See you Saturday.

View Article  Above the Fold: Prominent Pittsburgh Gay Owned Business Questioned by PG Investigators

UPDATE:  I'm deleting comments.  If you have an opinion, fine.  If you can prove wrongdoing, contact the MSM or email me privately.  Otherwise, stick with opinions not unsubstantiated accusations.  If you see something that needs deleted, email or call me --- I'm trying to keep up with it.


Even though I had a call about this story last night, I have no idea what to say about this.  I really don't.  From above the fold on Page A-1 of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

A racy Strip District club at which a man died Sunday was threatened with closure by the city of Pittsburgh in August but it was allowed to continue to operate after its politically connected owners approached city officials.

Although Club Pittsburgh is zoned as a health and fitness center, the city initially ordered it to close because of other adult-related activities that didn't comply with its operating permit. The club's Web site has pictures of nude and partially clothed men in erotic poses and a complaint filed with the city claimed there was open sexual activity at the club.

Those owners, Peter Karlovich and Steven Herforth, hold political fundraisers at their Mount Washington home, including one for Mayor Luke Ravenstahl in May 2007. When the Bureau of Building Inspection threatened to close the club, they appealed to Council President Doug Shields, and then to the mayor's Chief of Staff Yarone Zober, who connected them with city lawyers.

After talks with the club, the city lawyers told building inspectors to let it stay open pending discussions that never occurred.

Sadly, none of the owners or their representatives expressed regret over the fact that someone died on their property.  That's pretty tactless, especially when you are claiming people hate you for being rich (which is probably true).  Even one sentence expressing condolences to the family of Cleophus "Jaylin" Pettway for his death would have been classy. 

Ironically, this article demonstrates that the gay community has reached some level of equality.  The police raided the Stonewall Inn.  The Bureau of Building Inspection sent a letter to Club Pittsburgh.  Stonewall patrons and owners fought back using direct action.  Club Pittsburgh fought back by placing a call to the Mayor's Office and changing their website. 

They did exactly what any other heterosexual owned business would do when facing a threat to their business. They made a few calls and there was no need to take the streets to get BBI to back off. 

Sources tell me that there is some sort of "Save the Bathhouse" committee forming in an attempt to turn this into a gay civil rights issue. 

So, we have a lot of gay issues on your menu.

* a county ordinance to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression under siege by the right wing.  This ordinance is losing more sponsors and is being threatened to be stripped of the trans inclusive pieces.

* a statewide battle over Hate Crimes and Anti-Discrimination legislation

* the inevitable attempt to pass another Marriage Amendment in Pennsylvania

* federal battles over an inclusive ENDA, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell and DOMA

* the need for a new home for the GLCC

* the Mayor's GLBT Advisory Council (too bad on that whole campaign contribution issue transparency, huh?)

* funding struggles for human service providers like Persad, PATF, Shepherd Wellness and more

* saving Pittsburgh's Bathhouse from zoning and ordinance inspections.

Sadly, the last item makes the front page of the Post-Gazette which has barely mentioned any of the other issues.  And they pretty much like gay people.  Sigh.  We get on the front page because of the implication that gay money is compromising the ethics of Mayor Ravenstahl.  I wonder where I've read that before?

I have no idea if the City looked the other way any more than they look the other way for heterosexual business owners.  Was this just an attempt to sensationalize the unfortunate death of Mr. Pettway?  Sex and ethics scandals sell papers, especially if they involve gay sex and Mayoral ethics.  They don't even have to be true.

I've never been to Club Pittsburgh so I have no idea what kind of business they run.  I only know the philanthropic side of Steve and Peter and have been a guest in their home one time.  If they bought off the Mayor, shame on them. 

Now do you see why I kept harping on the need for full-disclosure on the campaign contributions for anyone associated with the Mayor's GLBT Advisory Council?  I'm just gonna finish my coffee and know that my gut instincts and those of many commenters on this blog were right. 

I do have a pretty reliable source telling me that the digging isn't going to stop here.  I sincerely hope there's nothing more to find. 

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