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View Article  Reverend Janet Edwards at Washington Post blog

The Reverend Janet Edwards weighs in on the banning of burquas in a very thoughtful post on how Christian women might feel to have their religious symbols banned.

She previously weighed in on how a covenant relationship with God mirrors the intimacy necessary for a healthy sexuality.

When the Church insists that marriage vows are the exclusive doorway into moral sex, it removes itself from real and crucial discussions about the morality of sex ? in part because a lot of immoral sex, like spouse battering and promiscuity, goes on within marriage, as well.

Janet is a wonderful leader in our community. I admire her willingness to take all sorts of risks for her faith. 

View Article  Philly Gay News Readers Overwhelmingly Support Hoeffel

Check out this poll from the Philly Gay News



View Article  Allegheny Movement on Domestic Partner Benefits

The City Paper's own Lauren Daley was front and center at the very first meeting of the Allegheny County Human Relations Commission.  Sadly, the 8 AM start meant I had to be at work and could not be part of this historic moment.  However, the man called Potter has the scoop over at Slagheap.

Front and center was an issue near and dear to my little heart -- providing domestic partner benefits to employees of Allegheny County.  The Chief Executive has asked the HRC for recommendations on this matter.

The commission also asked to receive a report on extending domestic partner benefits to all county employees by its June meeting. Kennedy said her department has been researching the matter and found there could be tax implications for employees.

"It raised more questions than it answered," she told the commission of her research. "There are things we need to look for more information on."

Based on that report, the commission will make a recommendation to Dan Onorato, something the county exec requested, McGough said. Commissioners seemed generally supportive of the idea.

"To me," observed commissioner Sara Davis Buss, "it's the right thing to do."

"I want to get it done right. This is our first big thing and I want to be fast but I want it to be fast, thorough and complete," said commissioner Mark Nowak.

Yes, the tax implication needs to be made very clear to employees who opt in for these benefits.  It is grossly unfair and legislation has been repeatedly introduced at the federal level to address this inequity. It would be wonderful for Allegheny County legislators and executives to join the chorus calling for this redress while at the same time addressing the issue locally.  I am all for highlighting and addressing this unfair tax burden.

I can speak from experience that the money we spend on the additional taxes (my "partner" benefits are considered taxable income, not a pre-tax benefit) is significant, but offset by the savings of the family benefits.  In some cases, the costs don't make it the right decision -- it all depends on how good the benefit package is, after all. 

Still, the benefits are a choice.  As long as the County makes the tax implications clear, they are doing the best they can to support all families in their employ. 

Congratulations to the members of the Human Relations Commission on a successful start.  Check out Potter's summary to see what the plan is to address the discrimination complaints.  As always, a thorough run down on the issues that often slip under the radar.


View Article  Joe Hoeffel Rally in Pittsburgh

You've probably picked up on the fact that I am supporting Joe Hoeffel in the primary race for the PA Governor's manse.  I believe his vision and experience will translate into the leadership we need to move ahead as a Commonwealth,  My support goes far beyond his solid stance on LGBTQ issues.  I like what's he saying about environmental, economic, educational and other issues.  I urge you to click on through to read what he has to say on these issues.  What strikes me when I visit the page is his consistent connection of a range of issues to improving the economy.  For example, Joe "gets" the connection between a vibrant cultural community and economic strength. 

You see this argument playing out today as various local leaders call for us to "invest" in the Carnegie Library system.  Investment implies a return and we can measure the impact of a cultural institution like a library.

I'm not voting for Joe Hoeffel because I'm a lesbian.  I'm voting for him because his vision for Pennsylvania most closely matches mine, both my hopeful vision and my pragmatic expectations. 

Others feel differently and the beauty of the primary (as described by the man called Potter) is our freedom to make a choice.  Yes, we need to think about the General Election but the slim margin by which Specter maintains his lead over Sestak indicates that Pennsylvania is not opposed to progressive values. 

What matters, my friend, is that you make an informed decision on election day, both May and November.  Read the questionairres, the endorsements, the editorials, the candidate websites and yes, even the blogs. :-) 

I invite you to join local supporters of Joe Hoeffel at an event next Thursday at the Schenley Park Ice Skating Rink. The event is from 5-7 PM and gives you one final chance to meet with Joe in person. 

Some say the vote is in the bag for Onorato. I say that your vote for the progressive candidate will have ramifications regardless of the outcome of the election. It does matter and they will pay attention to the support Joe receives.

The important thing is that the choice is yours to make.  That's the beauty of being an American citizen.  In spite of all the ridiculous things we see in the media each day, you have the opportunity to participate in the electoral process and be part of the solution.  Don't lose site of that fact.  Your vote matters.

Sermon off.  :-)

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