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View Article  Fitzgerald mailer recognized domestic partners

I was pleasantly surprised when I took a peak at the Fitzgerald for County Chief Executive mailer we received in the mail today.

Typically, we get two of everything -- newsletters, flyers, sample magazines, etc.  Or things will come to just one of us.  Now folks, if you can fit "or current resident" on the mailer, you can find a way to acknowledge that two adults live in the household.   Just saying ...

So kudos to the Fitzgerald folks for recognizing that we both vote, that they need to win us over independently, and that they they don't need to waste paper in doing so. 

View Article  Frankel reintroduces anti-discrimination legislation

From PG coverage of today's press conference ...

Frankel has proposed legislation that would outlaw discrimination in employment, housing, credit and public accommodations such as hotels, restaurants and public bathrooms. Several counties and municipalities -- including Allegheny, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Harrisburg -- already have local anti-discrimination ordinances, but Mr. Frankel said it's time protections are offered statewide.

The majority of Pennsylvanians support his effort, according to poll data released this morning by Equality Pennsylvania.

Statewide, 69 percent support legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the work place, public housing and public accommodations, according to the poll. Meanwhile, 24 percent oppose such legislation, 6 percent are undecided and 1 percent refused to answer.

Susquehanna Polling and Research surveyed 1,200 registered voters in February. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.58 percentage points.

"Those who oppose this legislation are on the wrong side of public opinion and on the wrong side of history," Mr. Frankel said.

First, he has to get past Darryl Metcalfe and the State Government Committee. 

"This is a long haul, and it shouldn't be," Mr. Frankel said. "But it's our responsibility to continue to advocate."



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