Hard to be sure. Sometimes I feel so insecure.

Sometimes, blogging is overwhelming. Tonight is one of those times. I just published a post about being a disabled person relying on Social Security Disability Insurance after adding a few finishing touches. After getting home from a 3 and 1/2 hour play that I have to review. I received two additional Political Q&A responses that […]

Am I Appealing to My LGBTQ+ Allies?

We need your support to continue this work. For those of you new to my regular appeals, I’m coping with two court cases, one in Family Court and one in Federal District Court. Plus, I have a defamation legal action hanging over my head b/c of my work to Protect Trans Kids. My source of […]

Are you seeing this blog post? Great, let’s get more social

Recently, I changed the settings on our Jetpack subscription tool to send out a snip of each post with a link to read more. The email you receive gives you the option of reading the post at the blog or in a WordPress reader. And you can of course use your preferred RSS reader directly. […]

Man Threatens to ‘Track Me Down’ for a ‘Physical Discussion’ in Response to My Trans Affirming Content

“I’m on my way out anyway. I will find people affiliate with you. I do not stop for protesters. I will run through you” Content Note: threats of violence, transgender content, police Over 20 years of blogging and activism, I have been thrashed and trashed from many corners. I’ve had mean, vicious comments, email, postal […]

Wanted: Queer Archivist, Web Designer to Help with Blog Work

It is our 20th year of blogging. That’s a good reason to dig into the work of preparing all of this data to bee archived. Not archived yet, but … there’s a lot of work to do. I am optimistic about securing grant funding to do this work and revisit the AMPLIFY project on it’s […]

The 40 Most Frequently Read Blog Posts of 2024


Each year, this wrap-up post is a challenge. The sobering reality of how many people came to read about the lives and acknowledge the deaths of trans neighbors is always difficult to process. I wrote 40 memorial posts in 2024. 33 of those posts honored neighbors who died this year. The other seven died in […]

Hey 19! It’s hard times befallen the sole survivors or how to celebrate 19 years of blogging

‘Bleakly ironic and spent’ might be my word phrase of the year for 2025. It is so amazing to be heading into my 20th year of blogging that I have to remind myself to stop and consider 19 years of blogging first. Most blogs last 90 days, those that continue last 2-3 years, and then […]

24 Lesbian Thanksgivings


I had a delicious turkey dinner from Bistro-to-Go for lunch, planned holiday decorations for the Fort Faulsey colony, and have my blueberry muffins ready to go for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I finally put flannel sheets on my bed. All in all, a good Thanksgiving Eve. For my #NaBloPoMo contribution, I pulled together a […]

Blogger and Journalist Sue Kerr, One of Pennsylvania’s LGBTQ+ Leaders

Photo by Steve Mellon.Pittsburgh Unnion Progress

I am honored to be included in this list honoring LGBTQIA+ leadership in Pennsylvania. Thank you Philadelphia Gay News. Celebrating 48 LGBTQ+ Leaders: A Milestone of Resilience and Progress Trailblazers These trailblazers are pioneers in our community, effectively breaking barriers and paving the way for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion. https://epgn.com/…/48-most-influential-lgbtq-leaders-2024 This was an unexpected honor, […]

Philly Gay News Names This Blogger One of the Most Influential LGBTQ+ Leaders in Pennsylvania

Typically, a post like this would begin ‘I’m honored’ or ‘I’m humbled’ or even ‘So grateful.’ Not meaningless statements, but not always sufficient. You know? Okay, to be fair, ‘Blessed’ would be neither meaningful nor sufficient. This pioneer rejects trite terms. A few weeks ago, I had been named to the list of the 48 […]