I am one of 9+ million Americans deemed totally and permanently disabled by the Social Security Administration.

I am one of 9+ million Americans deemed totally and permanently disabled by the Social Security Administration. I was 40 years old at my date of disability. I am 54 years old. Today, I receive a monthly allotment of $1500 after I paid for mandatory Medicare. I had/have full health insurance coverage through my spouse. […]

Balancing our collective grief with my personal despair in response to anti-trans violence

Since 2013, I have reported on the violent deaths of at least 365 transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming peoplem with such grief. I’ve also reported on the deaths of members of my LGBTQ community in Pittsburgh, members of my own family, and friends. More grief. All in all, there are over 430 posts in the […]

On this day in 2024, I came home after six months of being homeless. And now I need your help.

While not the Ides of March, today is auspicious – marking one year since I returned to my home after 6+ months of homelessness. This is an important milestone because I worked really hard to make it happen (with a lot of help, of course) and because almost no one thought it would. I was […]

What Happened to the Political Q&As?

I am behind in publishing the Q&A’s, I know, I know. The ACDC endorsement is Sunday, I know, I know. It has just been a very hard month so I am behind. I will catch up this week. It is my primary goal. Housework, laundry, and Q&A’s. And cats. I got some good news today […]

The Heaviness of Being Dependent on Other People

cold snowy day

I’ve been emotionally struggling recently, a combination of post-holiday ennui with a reflection on my current situation. Also, I miss my nephews. One reality I cannot avoid is that I am not self-sufficient. I haven’t had to think about myself as unit of independent sufficiency for 20+ years. Now I’m caught in the fallout of […]

A Silent Christmas Might Be Lonely At First

holiday serving tray

Christmas is coming. Over the weekend, I realized that I am in for a lonely Christmas Day. I’ve had plenty of festive activities with friends, some that I hope will extend through the ‘winter break’ period up to New Years. Still to come is the Holiday Pops Christmas concert, a trip to I Made It! […]

I Still Have To Take Care of Myself Right Now


I’m not fine, of course. But I’m slowly coping with this new but perhaps inevitable reality. All the things people say right, speaking past each other or to themselves. All of those things mean everything because we are alive, we are still saying things, we are still here. Marriage, single, partnered. Here we are. NaBloPoMo. […]

How to celebrate 54 lesbian birthdays

My big day is here – birthday 54. I am firmly in my mid-fifties. And I’m good. No big plans. Having lunch with a friend. Then I’m going to enjoy some birthday cake from Prantels while watching ‘When Harry Met Sally.’  On a DVD, no less. By myself or rather with the cats. My birthday […]

Request For Rides, Please

Hi friends, I need a few essential rides. I can’t ride with strangers yet due to trauma from a police interaction in 2023. Happy to cover gas. It is good for me to interact with multiple people so I don’t want to ask one person or burden one person. All requests are to and from. […]

Blogger and Journalist Sue Kerr, One of Pennsylvania’s LGBTQ+ Leaders

Photo by Steve Mellon.Pittsburgh Unnion Progress

I am honored to be included in this list honoring LGBTQIA+ leadership in Pennsylvania. Thank you Philadelphia Gay News. Celebrating 48 LGBTQ+ Leaders: A Milestone of Resilience and Progress Trailblazers These trailblazers are pioneers in our community, effectively breaking barriers and paving the way for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion. https://epgn.com/…/48-most-influential-lgbtq-leaders-2024 This was an unexpected honor, […]