One more wedding photo

The Vulnerability of a Wedding Registry

Lesbian Wedding Registry

You would think a wedding registry would be the fun part of wedding planning, but oh no no no no. We had no intention of putting together a registry – we aren’t establisheding a new household, we aren’t young, it’s a pandemic, etc. It was hard enough figuring out the backyard logistics of serving apple […]

My Cold Snowy Lesbian Pandemic Wedding – OMG, We Got Married

Sue Kerr Laura Dunhoff Wedding

When I began researching ‘wedding stuff’ I kept learning that I was supposed to set up a wedding page at these various sites. I thought that was silly since I have my own blog. So I set a page up for us that you can read here. So, we got married today in our backyard. […]

Why I Ended My Fiscal Sponsorship Relationship with Persad Center

Persad Center Shame

My fiscal sponsorship relationship with Persad Center has formally ended. I made the decision earlier in the fall after two specific incidents made me aware beyond a shadow of a doubt that allying the #AMPLIFY and other community art projects with the current incarnation of Persad was both unhealthy and hurtful to my LGBTQ neighbors. […]

I’m profiled for the Post-Gazette by Tony Norman

Not Enough Lesbian Content (h/t Hannah Gadsby)

Not Lesbian enough

One of our spokespeople last year… Self-appointed. One of our spokespeople approached me straight after one of my shows to give me a bit of feedback, and that’s my favorite time for feedback. Straight after a show? Yes, please! That is when my skin is at its thickest. The feedback? Apparently, she said, “I was […]

It is only December 6th and I’m already worn out #HolidayWishes

It is only December 6th and I’m already worn out. I curated a Giving Guide, a Queer Shopping Guide, a LGBTQ Holiday Things To Do Guide, and took on advocating for four holiday projects. I’ve created ten+ Q&As with artists, publishing five to date. I’ve set up multiple product reviews, took on sponsorships of two local […]

Temporary Move to New Blog Digs (It Ain’t Going Smoothly)

Dear readers, We are in the process of migrating our 13 years of blog content to a new webhost. Unfortunately, my current webhost has locked my domain and is unresponsive to my inquiries. I have pursued the appropriate steps to take it back into my control, but it could take awhile – up to 60 […]

When The Ceiling Comes Tumbling Down

Last week started out tough. I was recovering from an asthma attack, trying to schedule carpal tunnel surgery, gearing up for the chaos of our roof being replaced and it was 89 bazillion degrees. That was Tuesday. Thursday night at 8:30 pm, I got a wake-up call about the challenges of the slow-moving state of […]

Laptops, Birthday Breaks and So Forth

My birthday is coming up on Sunday – I’ll be 47 – so I’m going to take a little break this weekend from blogging. My mind needs some down time. I’ll be back on Monday or Tuesday, depending on the weekend.  I want to thank everyone who contributed to my laptop crowdfund. We met the […]